Dec 28, 2005 23:21
This evening I one of my private lessons invited me out for sushi. I`m quite proud of myself as I was able to make use of my Japanese through most of the evening. This is no small feat as my Japanese sucks and I got progressively drunker as the evening wore on. By the end of the evening I was just pretending to know what was being said, though luckily for me most of my conversations with Japanese people tend to follow with same questions. Where are you from?, Where in America?, Do you know the Mariners/Ichiro? Do you like Japanese food? etc, etc. My only complaint is that when I dine with Japanese people they always want me to try the most foul stuff in what I think is a game of "Who can gross the gaijin first". I'm not the type of person who will just turn down food that looks disgusting, though I`ve eaten fish intestines enough to know I don't like it. I should probably learn the names of those foods I don`t like so that the next time I'm asked if I like fish intestines/fried chicken cartilage/fish testicles, I can answer with a "no I don`t", instead of the "I`m not sure" I usually answer with. I really shouldn't complain though I had a great time, got to practice my Japanese and best of all it was free, plus I'm sure fish intestines contain nutrients I'm not getting in my daily dose of 100 yen okonomiyaki.