I keep seeing those damn "Canadian Idol" ads on tv nowadays. And for some reason, now I kind of want to try out...I kid you not. I can't sing to save my life but HELLO, have you seen the finalists for those Canadian Popstars shows? Hell, I could probably do 10X better than some of these people...especially those in Popstars 2 *shudders* I just want to be one of those "memorable" contestants like TA-MI-KA and
Keith (Like a virgin...) and
Edgar (Enrique Wannabe). Except I'll probably wear a paper bag over my head... Hey, I've even been practising my routine for Madonna's "Like a Prayer" and Spice Girls' "Stop". Stellar!
I'm so lazy. Two things I have to do VERY soon is 1) get my major changed and all sorted out 2) get a job. Yet I'm too arsed to do either...*sigh*
Oh so I may FINALLY get to go see a musical. I know it's kinda sad but I've never seen a musical before even though I've always wanted to. In elementary school we were suppose to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technocolor Dreamcoat" and "Phantom of the Opera" at one point but we never DID. But now due to the SARS thing and the Toronto economy going way down, they are doing a promo thing. In the package comes with a ticket to see "Mammia Mia' or "Lion King" (I wanna see both...), Blue Jay tickets (ick), and a three-course meal in a top T.O. restaurant. My mom wants to book it for maybe next week. Woohoo!
[edit] Looks like they are all sold out. Fuck!!! Oh well I hope it'll work out.
And if you're in Montreal, Ottawa, or New York and want to come to Toronto for free (free round trip flight, free rental car and one night free hotel stay), check this out!
Ok I'm done with the Toronto promoting thing!
I wanna get my tongue pierced. It looks spiffy. Yesterday on Buffy I noticed Kennedy (whom I'm not a fan of at all) has her tongue pierced and something inside of me screamed "HEY I WANT ONE TOO". My friend Tanya has one too and so does this girl from my old high school, Veronica. Yes I do indeed want one. But first someone has to knock me out unconcious before I actually DO get it.
Check out my friend Jo's new website which is like, I guess, an online porfolio of her art. I helped her with the site cause saying she is a bit html illiterate is an understatement.
The Scratching Post