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Mar 30, 2006 01:05

I appologize to you three that read my live journal. I haven't posted in forever. My life is really super and amazing, and busy, and overwhelming, and pretty sad at the same time. Over the past while I have been keeping really busy. I have a monteverde choir concert this weekend... there is a sole expressions concert in two weeks. Rocky Horror and LCP have shows during spring fling after break. I have been doing a lot of practicum work.... A LOT of practicum work. Plus, I was cast as the lead in a one act called The Actors Nightmare. We auditioned and were cast about two weeks ago. The show goes up next wednesday. It's pretty overwhelming. I just memorized my two page monologue. In more ways than one this play is an actors nightmare... but a dream come true at the same time. Its the most fun I have ever had in a play. It gets better and funnier every rehearsal. I have to hold back laughter and smiles. I am working with some of my really good friends, and really talented friends. It's a lot of fun... just very stressful.
I have also had some really awesome weekends. Two weekends ago me and Stacy and Mikah went to a Jazz Band Festival in Newport... it was so much fun! We chilled for the rest of the night and did wonderful and amazing things. This past weekend I hung out with chelsea and chad and jen and katie and courtney... pretty much fell in love, and got very little sleep.
Ya, everything is relatively going well... everything is happening really fast... but thats how I like it.

I am sad, though... deep in my heart. A pretty good friend of mine died a few days ago. Ryan Franchetti... died of a heart attack. It's such a strange thing, death. I've never really had to deal with it... and so I don't know how to now. I seem to be just ignoring the issue. I miss him a lot, though, and wish we were allowed more deep soulful conversations. He was one of the only people here that I could go to that higher level of thinking with. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get him out of my thoughts. I can't see why I would want to. He kept me thinking, always... and for that I am forever greatful. Ryan... Like Hudini... spent his life finding ways to escape. This has been his best trick yet.
RIP Ryan. You will not be forgotten.
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