August - now

Sep 08, 2006 22:01

August was last month, but I didn't write about it, so I will

In the beginning of the month, I drove down to LA with Megan and Christinel.  Our little road trip was good fun.  We stayed at Chrissa's house.  On day one, we went to see Cheyanne.  We ended up meeting her, her whole band, and her family.  She was really sweet and her keyboardist Kevin was also a nice fellow.   At the private meet and greet we talked to her for a short while.  She's crazy.  We all got pictures and stuff.  We made friends with a girl named Libby and her friend.  After forever, we ate at Cheesecake.  Cheyeanne walked in and made faces at us. haha. It was fun.  She's sweet.  So then we went home and went to bed.  THe next day we headed to glendale to see Nikki.  We ended up seeing Quduss (or however you spell his name) the mtv vj and steven from some real world.  I got pictures with them too.  THey were nice.  We saw a bunch of people audition for the jc pennies vma contest thing.  THen Nikki performed. We talked to her.  Her mom invited us over to her house for dinner. (wtf?!?) haha.  I had to leave though.  Luc picked me up from la and then we took a little trip to Torrance.  That was interesting.  Then we headed down to SD.  I stayed at Lucs.  I couldnt sleep very well so we ended up talking for a long time.  It was kind of girly. rofl.  Dan came the next day.  We were supposed to go to street scene but something got messed up.  I called Eric and he got us in for the next day.  So the 2nd day of street scene was really cool.  We watched bedouin soundclash, the subways, the shins, block party, a little bit of snoop dog and I dont know. haha. I got o see Eric too which was nice.  Overall that trip was fun.  Dan and I drove home which was enjoyable.  I like quality time with him

A couplde days later I was headed to New York.  I left very early in the morning.  My flight took off at 6:20am.  The flight was pretty boring.  I slept on my lay over to vegas.  Then  I watched the special features dvd of rent and listened to my ipod.  When I finally got to NY, Garrett picked me up and we went to go get pizza.  We went to Caldas which is this little family pizza place.  It was sooo good.  After that, I was very addicted to NY pizza.  We went back to his crazy house.  It was super amazing.  His house was sooo big.  It should have been on cribs.  After hanging out for a while and unloading all my stuff, we went to go get Lauren.  The rest of the trip is kind of a blur.  We did a lot of shopping, went to the empire state building, tiffanys, trump tower, blah blah blah.  Lots of stuff.  We went to the format concert and went to times square and ate a crapload of pizza.  I think the highlight of the trip was seeing RENT in ny at the Nederlander ( the theatre where it first opened on broadway).  It was great.  Then I headed home

Two days later, I went camping with Claire, Lauren, and Dan.  Getting Lauern to go was a little difficult, but I'm so glad it worked.  We had a super good time.  We got there at night and set up our tents.  Then we made smores and went to sleep.  The next day we made chrizo and eggs and then went to the beach!  While we were there, we found a tide pool with starfish, crabs, sea enenimies (i have no idea how to spell it and im too lazy to find out) and sea snails.  It was cool.  Then we played cards, skimmed, and just chatted.  THen we saw WHALES!  That was neat.  Then we took a lot of pictures and headed home.  We made tri tip and pesto for dinner.MMM.  It was so good.  Then more smores and sleeping.  THe next morning we made panana pancakes and packed up and left.  Oh I almost forgot about the river adventure. AHH.  Okay, so lauren and I were in these floaties going down the river.  It was really fun at first.  Then we started going down the river a little much.  So right as we were about to head back upstream, my flip flop falls off.  So I'm running to get my flip flop and the other one falls off.  I get one but the other one is going so fast. We chase after it, falling along the way and hurting our feet.  About a mile later, we give up.  Then we have to head upstream.. oh god.  We were in the freezing cold river for like an hour trying to get my damn flip flop... I only have one now... gosh.  It was exciting though.  Only Lauren and I understand how traumatic it was though. haha

After camping I was home for a little bit.  I worked at a Raiders game which was okay. Got paid. Spent a lot of money at American Eagle and had a lot of fun with friends. My last few days of Fremont life were really good.  I had an awesome going away party which was fun.  THis summer made me realize how good of friends I have.  I feel like people actually care about me.  It's nice.  I like it.  To all my fremont friends, I care about you too and I miss you tons.

Right now I'm in San Diego.  I moved in the other day.  I drove down super fast.  I made it in less that 8 hours with 2 stops. haha. It was kind of crazy.  Once I got here, I unloaded everything and went to eat dinner with Di and Maria.  We went to a super cool Thai restaurant.  Then I don't even know.  I've just been working and hanging out.  Living is so expensive.  It kind of sucks.  My room here is nothing much, but at least I have a place to sleep.  Let me just say that aerobeds are amazing.  I've kind of been living off captin crunch and whole foods. Oh well.  We move in early so I will be at school on the 14th.

I've been working so much.  I cant wait for paychecks! Wheee.  I want to spend it but I dont know what to spend it on.  You know when you don't hav eany money you want to spend it on everything, but when you do you want to save it.  Thats what I feel is going to happen. I bough books the other day. WTH. Sooo expensive.  I just bought books for 2 classes and it was $300.  I still have like $200 more I have to buy. Goshhh. I'm excitied for classes though...

I miss home so much.  I miss just sitting around Lauren's house and taking random trips to the mall.  I miss Thursday night hang outs and late nights with Daniel.  I miss my mom and home cooked food.  *Sigh*  However, I am coming home on the 17th. So anyone who is home, you better hang out with me one last time before school starts.

Okay, this entry is much too long. I hope it was entertaining. 
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