(no subject)

Feb 19, 2005 17:20

hey yall the days been kinda crazy so i thought id slow it all down by writin in the ol' journal lol ;) last night i stayed up till about 4 talkin to kevin. i let him read my journal which included my crazy ramblings about what our relationship is and where it was goin, but the good part was that he felt the same way :) i thought maybe it would seem like i was to serious about him or something but he reasured me that he had been thinkin the same things and we decided to just take it like it come "no pushin and no pullin" ;) (kevin u understand that one). we had some fun in there too but it was deff one of our more serious convos, which is good cuz u can goof around all the time ;) but it is fun too. u're so great babe i dont know what i did to get lucky enough to find u ;)

so then i went to bed and got up at about 10ish so that i could figure out the plans of how to get up to the boys sectionals and all. kort and brit were supposed to go so that even if i didnt know what the team was doin i would still have ppl to drive with and follow to get there but both of em ended up not bein able to go. kort couldnt go b/c her mom didnt feel like lettin her go >:0 and brit couldnt cuz she had to clean and shit. but i still went. i called up hilly and she told me when they were meetin at south so i drove over and rode with molly. unknown to me they were dressin up like spice girls and i had nothin to wear :0 but hilly had a leapard print top that she let me wear (u woulda liked it kevin ;). it was cute but i wore it over my white cami that i had on cuz there was no way my boobs were gonna stay in place in that flimsy thing lol. but it was fun and i got a few pix so whenever i get em developed i might post. we did a lot of cheerin and now my voice kinda hurts but its worth it cuz our guys r so great and supportive that i wouldnt do ne thing less. the boys did pretty good but they have a really hard sectional so its hard for them to get ne one to state but they were able to hold their own well enough. im proud of em :)

now im gonna go over to my grandparents for dinner cuz my mom is out of town and me and my dad dont feel like cookin ;) but they like havin us over there and i like em so its all good. tonight ill prolly be online so send me a message ;)

pax yall
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