I took a lot of quizes today~ I got it from
zana625432 . Thanks for sharing~ Some is good some are not~ Just wanna post something today~ heheh~
What Does Your Bed Say About You? Your Bed Says You Are Down to Earth
Outward appearances are a concern of yours, but not your primary concern. You try to take care of yourself and your home, but it's not an obsession.
Your life tends to be completely chaotic. You aren't a very organized person, and you tend to be slow in cleaning up messes.
You are very high maintenance. You like everything a certain way, and you're grumpy if things aren't the way you like them.
In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge.
You tend to be a down to earth, practical person. You think in terms of what is actual.
You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere. Comment:
I dun like to clean messes bcoz it so small stuff to think of~ I like to at home & but if i go out, i will spend all day outside~ I dun like boring relatioship bcoz i will make me boring at certain point~
How Do You Communicate? You Communicate With Your Ears
You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.
My Comment:
I really like to hear than talk. i tend to keep my mouth shut & open my ears widely. That is why my frenz like to share their secrets & problems with me~ So my head is full with secrets & their problems rather than my problems~ Maybe bcoz i dun often speak about my problems with my frenz~ Music is everything for me~ I will dragged my ipod (had once but broke) wherever i go~ My mum often told me to take that off~ Sorry mum~ Now my ipod already broke so laptop is the only way i can listen to my musics~
What Class Are You? You Are Working Class
For you, it seems like you spend most of your time working - with little reward.
You are hardly ever paid what you're worth, and you don't have a lot of job security... or benefits.
Unemployment, not having enough money to get by, and dead end jobs are all problems you face.
It's likely that you don't have a lot of education, and it's hard for you to get a job that suits your interests.
You may end up: A cook, retail sales person, or construction worker
Other people who share your class: Every day people who work hard in their jobs
My Comment:
I admit I'm a bit workaolic person. I like to do job that oesn't pay me much as long I can work~
What Color Is Your Aura? Your Aura is Yellow
You're a deeply happy and content person, and you enjoy sharing your cheer with others.
While you may seem like a simple optimist, there is a lot of thinking going on inside you.
The purpose of your life: bringing joy and a better life to others
Famous yellows include: Conan O'Brien, Jenny Mccarthy, Jim Carrey
Careers for you to try: Athlete, Actor, Yoga Instructor
My Comment:
I like yellow so the test suits me best~ Athlete is good but Yoga Instructor? I dun like~
How Gross Are You? You Are 36% Gross
You're a tad gross, but generally you're a clean, hygienic person.
No one can be perfectly clean all the time, and it's better to be human than a neat freak.
My Comment:
forget about that~ but also true~
What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now? Your Emoticon is Cool
You're not feeling particularly up or down, just relaxed and calm. You're ready for whatever is going to happen next!
My Comment
I hope i will get ready pysically & mentally~ I'm so high tension now~ But musics heal a bit of it~
What's Your Rapper Name? Your Rapper Name Is: Mad Shadow
Bust it!
My Comment
I dun that mad. It just i dun often angry. I only keep it inside of me. All of my frenz dun know when will i get angry~ So now i just wait until my anger already at its limit~ XD