Aug 03, 2004 01:02
well tongiht i actually had fun with tati, jemme, mal, kyle, kyle, kyle, all and all it was a good nite and brit took me home god, shes awesome. i dunno i miss the ol' friends. well i got back and boy did sam lay it on me but we made up and now we are happy and no longer mad and im no longer sad. but when i got home and after i talked to sam like i really realized all the fucked up shit ren adn logan are putting me through like i really want them to stop like with the passion but i just cant seem to stop crying i mean its to the point where i feel really depressed but its weird cuz i come home and talk to sam and i dont even notice ne thing but now that im off the phone i walk into my room and see how trashed it is and im just like wow this is so wrong so i think im going to give myself a break and go to sams tomorrow and lock the door to my room so everyone can be bored and pissed yunno? i fucking hate everyone but tongith was super awesome some of those kids i havent seen in like forever!
popping knuckles
smoking cigs
talking to ppl i dont really know but well ly recognized