Feb 06, 2005 02:14
oh how i love the north county kids. after a delightful, fundraising concert i traversed to in-n-out where my love hailee was conversed to. and events were concluded at the mysterious jewel that is sam blumberg's bed. quite. then after i dropped of elyse, i drove home so fast. my average speed was 90, i've never gone that fast before, i got home much sooner than i should have, but it was pretty fun, i felt like dani mahrer. lol.
and yesterday it was amazing when gabgab, emily, and becca all called me. i wanted to be there with them sooo badly, so there could have been a complete anniversary of the begginings of my life. wow i love those kids, but it wasn't the same over the phone, but it was fun. i stood outside in my pajamas just picking at leaves in my front yard and laughing so hard that i'm sure the entire street heard. so i guess life isn't that bad now. just two more weeks. exciting indeed
and happy belated birthday YAEL DANOVITCH!!! sorry i forgot to call. but today when i was driving fast i listened to the trance version of hayom yom huledet, with you in mind, you israeli beauty.