70s vs 80s Fashion

Aug 18, 2010 23:17

I was doing some research on the fashion of the 70s, and watched this 1970s video compilation:

image Click to view

In watching it, I started out thinking "Hell yeah, the '70s were rocking!" Somewhere around 1976 though, it becomes obvious that the people of the '70s are losing their way. By the late '70s it was a little painful.

When I was done, I started watching the '80s compilation:

image Click to view

I don't know what happened between 1979 and 1980, but it was dramatic. Seriously, watch from the 7:50 mark until the end of the '70s video, and compare that to the first minute of the '80s video. The '80s were so much cooler than the late '70s. It was like the '70s steadily devolved in terms of coolness and then suddenly arose like a phoenix in 1980.
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