Nov 23, 2010 16:28
So today is awesome.
My dad showed up to take me out to birthday lunch! My birthday was in September, but let's forget that.
So right before I left, my mom held up a package and was like "You're books are here", so of course that's awesome since I've really wanted a new book to read and from what I've heard Zaregoto is pretty awesome.
So we go out to eat, get some really good food, then head to Slackers, a game store. I looked around for a while, and found Zone of the Enders. I heard it was bad, and that the second one was good, but I like knowing what's going on in game series that I play.
I continue looking around, and I look in one of the shelves... and I found .hack//quarantine. How cool is that! I've been looking for... three years? I've finally completed my original .hack IMOQ collection! And it was only $35!
vidya games,