"I am making a choice to be contented and satisfied with my honest living until another good thing comes along." -- Great to hear! Honest living is underrated. Choosing to be content is also underrated.
Most people need about decade of exploration and experimentation after college before they find their "niche".
We're at a point in our lives wherein we are more or less able to take these kinds of risks, since we're young and not yet supporting children. :)
I'm generally fine with what I do.. I just have moments.
Haha, I think one of my problems is actually getting too comfortable sometimes. I just go to work with very little problems and the weeks just pass by so quickly. A big part of it is probably the whole part where I'm young and not supporting children so yes I'm pretty grateful about that haha.
Thanks for the support though. I miss you terribly and I'm sorry I couldn't go to your exhibit :)
Most people need about decade of exploration and experimentation after college before they find their "niche".
We're at a point in our lives wherein we are more or less able to take these kinds of risks, since we're young and not yet supporting children. :)
Haha, I think one of my problems is actually getting too comfortable sometimes. I just go to work with very little problems and the weeks just pass by so quickly. A big part of it is probably the whole part where I'm young and not supporting children so yes I'm pretty grateful about that haha.
Thanks for the support though. I miss you terribly and I'm sorry I couldn't go to your exhibit :)
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