Oct 24, 2010 20:15
I think I hate the rain and pdx fall/winter? But really I think I just hate those seasons anywhere. I think today I just wanted to be proactive and really went places and walked back and forth and bought nothing. I am 9 days from surgery and I think it will be the longest 9 days ever. I don't know that even saying I am 9 days from surgery is really making it real to me. I don't think it will be until I am laying on the bed or well maybe when he is making blue little marks all over me before. Will he do that? I don't even know. What will I look like? Will it be everything I think? I cant wait to brush my teeth with no shirt on after. Weird I know. I can't wait to have sex with no shirt on and not feel a little uncomfortable on top of her. uh huuuuhhh that will be amazing.
I do like our cozy little living room though. It's tiny but with the candles going, dim lamp and now tiny little heater coming on every so often it's very comfortable. Now if I was just snuggled up with that cute girl and not posing on livejournal.
9 stinking days