lindsay twisted my arm

Jun 26, 2003 05:23

OOOOOO ive started the great cleanup of '03(my room that is)

i dunno.. just got sick of having only one part of my room being almost organized(the path from my was lined with clothes- better for the lower back.. i hope)

things are boring most of the time.....

since i didnt really do it in my first post however.. heres a little more about me:

my name is matt and i live in kansas city, ks... im 17.. last october i dropped out of high school for assorted reasons

right now im in an online school that im not really accomplishing much in.. going back to normal school next year hopefully with enough credits to be considered a junior and a side of motivation...


i spend most of my day online chatting and gaming.. really only have a couple friends that arent too proud to still hang out with/talk to me

i doubt im going to spend much time updating but im hoping to update every week to 10 days or so...

more to come.. hopefully

to be continued?

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