Life update.

May 04, 2016 14:09

I was originally supposed to work until May 3, but the teacher I'm covering for is still not ready come back to work, so for now I've got an extension until May 13. After that, it's anyone's guess, but no matter what happens to her arm, I'm already booked up at another school from May 18 to May 20, and then the very next week I start my summer job at IKEA. It feels good knowing that all that is settled.

In other news, I became an aunt to a little baby girl on Monday! She's actually going to be named after me! Just her second name, but still. Forgive me for feeling a little honoured. ;)

I got a message that it's time for me to donate blood again, but they didn't have any open time slots in this town, so it will have to wait until the summer when I can, hopefully, find the time to make a brief trip to the hospital in Kalix for some blood-letting.


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