In case you happen to be in Atlanta for the Meetings next week, and are looking for me, here are the most likely possibilities:
- At the Mathematics of Equity minicourse on Thursday and Saturday just after lunch, because I'm paying for the privilege.
- At the Special Sessions for Graph & Design Theory on Wednesday, 'cause it'll be cool and I need to talk to Atif.
- At the AMS Sessions for Combinatorics, Thursday morning & Friday day. A good default room to hang out in, probably. Plus someone's giving a talk with my name also on it Friday afternoon, and I should probably be there.
- AMS Sessions for Number Theory and for Algebra, on occasion.
I'll probably do a tour of the exhibitors once, though since I don't have a whole lot of money to drop on expensive math books and gewgaws (no matter how nifty) I'm unlikely to do this more than once. No employment centre for me this time, thankfully.
To those of my readers who won't be in Atlanta and couldn't care less, well, sorry. I'll post something more interesting in a day or two.