Caught up on one of my favorite blogs today and found this If that is not true then I don't know what is.
As a child I used to wonder what it would be like to have a foreign presence marching through our neighborhoods wrecking havoc. Would the government bother sending troops to all the little towns around the country? Hell no. Suburbs would be the first thing wiped out! People need to realize that our government is absolute shit. Look at all the controversy surrounding 9/11! Do the google and find out how the pentagon plane is IMPOSSIBLE. They are LYING TO US! Jesus people fucking quit being ignorant to what is right the fuck in front of your face.
We are far to concerned in our silly little lives with our silly little credit cards and our silly little life "meaning". Ask any middle class citizen what the meaning of life is and they would probably take out the bible and ask you to find it yourself. What the fuck kind of life is that! To allow something that was created thousands of years ago to rule your life NOW. Thing's have changed people! We don't cruise around the damn desert in flip flops anymore guys. The materialism that is ruling our society is fucking out of hand. The ruling mentality of our society is we grow up, go to school, shit out a couple of brats, and work in some corporation in a futile attempt to cover all the bills you have for the things you feel like you need. Then you raise your kids to do the same damn thing. Break the fucking cycle people!