Oct 13, 2007 22:07
but I must say it has some of the best Sheppard and McKay moments I have EVER seen, hoped for or imagined. It watched like...like...like the best fan fic I have ever read. And some of it felt really familiar.
Sam and Weir at this point - well, apart from Sam's history (which proves useful) she could have been Weir - she occupied much the same position most of the ep. A surprise or two in the story that I didn't expect, one that shocked. I am loving Ronon and YAY for people writing for Teyla again!!!!!! Team story. Wonderful ending.
Well, woo hoo. After being totally uninspired for too honkin' long, I think I just felt my muse roll over in her sleep and mutter something about "...coffee..." so that's a good sign!