Title: In the Moment
lorrainemarker Artist:
geekbynight Beta:
geekbynight Type: AU New Caprica Fic, Action/Adventure Romance
Word Count: 62,171
Rating: FRM (R)
Characters/Pairings: Felix Gaeta/Noel ‘Narcho’ Allison
Warnings Mature themes and language, mild sexual content, violence, and non-explicit torture and sexual assault with lingering effects.
Summary: A very AU New Caprica story, where Felix Gaeta and Noel 'Narcho' Allison get together before New Caprica and are a couple before, during, and after the occupation.
Notes: Written for the
bsg_bigbang. Many thanks to my wonderful artist & beta
geekbynight. Her insight and creativity added a great deal to this story.
Link to fic master post:
Here Link to art master post:
Here Link to fanmix at sendspace: