Title: Aftermath
millarificCharacters: Hoshi, Gaeta, Tigh, Seelix, Caprica Six, Lee, Adama
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Gaeta/Hoshi
Wordcount: 11,625 total (in two posted parts)
Rating: R (for sexual situations)
SPOILERS: Through Season 4's "Deadlock"
http://millarific.livejournal.com/12425.html#cutid1Warnings: None
Summary: Louis Hoshi has lost the man he loves. Now he has to figure out what that really means.
qumabh were all awesome cheerleaders who gave great on the fly feedback.
wyrdwritere provided the formal beta and unwitting inspiration with his great Hoshi ficlet,
"Repairing the Damage"Author's Note: This fic was written for Round 12 at
ficfinishing. Huge thanks and love go to all the folks there for their highly recommended encouragement and useful techniques.
Part 1 Part 2