Title: Absolution
millarific Characters: Gaeta, Seelix, Dee, Tyrol, implied Baltar
Genre: dark!fic
Pairing: Seelix/Gaeta, implied Gaeta/Baltar
Wordcount: 4,756
Rating: NC-17
SPOILERS: Through "Taking a Break From All Your Worries"
Warnings: explicit sexual situations, dark themes, depictions of major depression
daybreak777 , who helped SO much with this fic. Thanks, DB!
Author's Note: This is a long-overdue fic for
trovia 's "Little Black Dress" Challenge. The prompt was Gaeta/Seelix.
Summary: He only would have recognized her in the harsh silhouettes of this dimly-lit bar. Or an airlock.
ETA: Stupid Semagic-influenced coding issues fixed! Thanks to those troopers who read on despite the gobbeldygook!
The first time, Felix didn't quite realize what was happening.