Just another post from the March

Jan 23, 2018 10:13

Saturday found me, my husband, David, and our son, Aaron downtown San Jose for another yearly installment of The Women's March and while somewhat different from last years, a little more sedate, a lot more signage-specific, seemingly many more people, it was a beautiful day. Perfect California blue-sky weather. Lovely unobtrusive San Jose cops. Inspirational Speakers. Creatively adorned men, women, children which ran the gambit from wee babies to couples in their 80s. What more I can add is photos, random and mainly taken on the move.

Two above the cut and several more below, one of which is my all-time favorite way of taking street-photos, that of using reflecting glass :)

We, naturally, took lightrail downtown and while last year, we were able to sit, this year, happily, not so much. At our stop to board, the train was already standing-room only :)
              In the second photo, we are walking our way down Santa Clara Street to City Hall, the silvery building in the background to the right. Just in front of me is Aaron and to his right, David. So much fun strolling down the middle of an otherwise very busy main street. Once we got to City Hall, where everyone was to gather, we simply turned around and marched back the way we had come. The city planners have maintained much of this street's old-building character. Although it is bookended by big buildings.

An older couple engaging with the women who made a wonderful banner supposedly marking the beginning of the parade. Of course, people got in front of them and so eventually, they had to roll up their banner.

Last year, I had been able to get up high, into a parking garage overlooking the parade route but this year, different route, and while we were able to get into a condo parking garage, a lovely guy was outside with his pass key letting photographers in, we could only photo through openings in the garage's wall. I couldn't get outside! I decided that a photo through the wall, and through the construction across the street from City Hall, showing the gathering crowd was the best I was going to do.

The ubiquitous from-within-the-middle-of-the-crownd photos.

Lots of pretty rainbow flags flying free. Not really. They were all pretty much teathered.
              Making a hard right, from shade to sun.

Reflections. Same photo as above just taken into the lobby of the across-the-street building.

Me and David, and, just barely, only his shoes can be seen in front of David, Arron walking.

Under the overpass, on our way back to lightrail, just a bit of whimsy decorating the walls and ceiling. The white circles glow at night.

The End. Installment Three in January of 2019.

san jose, the resistance

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