Coywolves!! This is just so cool :)

Oct 06, 2017 09:18

I had heard bout these guys several years ago and am very glad to learn about how well they are now (at least as of 2015) doing because, as you can tell from my top-of-the-journal photo, I love wolves and coyotes. And dogs are pretty cool too :)

From The Economist on Medium: Greater than the sum of its parts_It is rare for a new animal species to emerge in front of scientists’ eyes. But this seems to be happening in eastern North America.
          Like some people who might rather not admit it, wolves faced with a scarcity of potential sexual partners are not beneath lowering their standards. It was desperation of this sort, biologists reckon, that led dwindling wolf populations in southern Ontario to begin, a century or two ago, breeding widely with dogs and coyotes. The clearance of forests for farming, together with the deliberate persecution which wolves often suffer at the hand of man, had made life tough for the species. That same forest clearance, though, both permitted coyotes to spread from their prairie homeland into areas hitherto exclusively lupine, and brought the dogs that accompanied the farmers into the mix.

For the rest of this short article, click here!

And enjoy :)

animals, nature

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