Randy Sings!!

Jul 13, 2017 07:44

Thank you, Kinwad!!!

From YouTube:
Erin Mackey and Randy Harrison (Dot and George in SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE) perform "Move On" in the Guthrie recording studio, accompanied by Musical Director Mark Hartman. See them onstage in SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE

image Click to view

I'm including the painting, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, as well as an image, from  a different production, of the painting. I love the little cut-out animals!
          It adds a bit of poignancy when you realize that Georges Seurat only lived another five years after this painting was completed, dying at 32 years of age. You can't help but wonder what else he might have accomplished given the chance to grow into his mature style.



art, theater

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