Doing this worked pretty well for me last year,

Dec 27, 2016 13:45

putting it at the top of my mission101 where I'd see it often helped ensure that real and true improvements were made.
So on to 2017


Resolution 1A_Presentation_Dress more my age which doesn't mean slacks but which does mean more tailored pants (ie: Levi's trouser jeans). Continue with heavier yet flow-y sweater-blouses, Hawaiin-y short-sleeved shirt, and classic-styled plaid shirts.

+Mix it up more by using the other handbags & belts that I already own but that currently languish at the top of the closet

+Find a signature item to add color & whimsy to wardrobe (ie: break out the tons of old 50s jewlery, especially necklaces & bracelets I already own)

+Upgrade shoes moving away, however reluctantly, from Vans.
Resolution 1B_Coping_do not take anger out on inanimate objects, cussing at them will not help (ie: throwing a book at the TV will NOT change the election results OR calling my laptop stupid will NOT make it run any faster OR hitting my keyboard will NOT changemy inability to spell)

+Be more controlled, less excitable when things don't go immediately my way especially when driving or moving through a crowded mall or, or, or...

+Be less judgmental, less sensitive_example: (less judgmental) if David wants to listen to a different comcast music station than 943 that's okay, it's his house too _example: (less sensitive) in public spaces, if people are talking, even fairly loudly, when I'm reading that's okay, it's their public space too

Improve focus_Scattered I am. Aaron's buying me a book! Remain in the moment since true multi-tasking is a myth.

Resolution 2_Speech

+Listen & Think before speaking_pay attention & remember that not every discussion has to be brought back to me.

+MINIMIZE negativity_laziness_swearing

+Improve spelling

+When texting use actual English

Resolution 3_Aaron

+Listen & Think before speaking_pay attention & remember that not every discussion has to be brought back to me.

+Encourage_advise NOT criticism, prompt him for his opinion before offering mine, in something new, try his way before defaulting to what I would think best

+Minimal handling_Adult

Resolution 4_David

+Listen & Think before speaking_pay attention & remember that not every discussion has to be brought back to me.

+Inform_Parse information in proper order, begin at the beginning, don't assume he remembers prior discussions, preface discussions (ie: Daivy, remember last week when we discussed...)

+Include_Don't assume he's not interested

Resolution 5_Friends be they in RL or on social media

+Listen & Think before speaking_pay attention & remember that not every discussion has to be brought back to me.

+RL_Instigate meet-ups instead of waiting until someone invites me & when invited, join up as much as possible
Less judgmental_We all have a right to our own opinions I'm told

+SM (mainly Livejournal)_Comment whenever possible but thoughtfully
+Stay involved

Resolution 6_Organization

+Keep up mission101 & House/ Yard & Month End goals

+Look for ways to improve current habits, ways of doing things_remember old dogs can not only learn new tricks from others, but they can even teach themselves


holidays, new year resolutions

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