got us all lookin for a magic carpet ride.

Aug 21, 2006 10:31

My mom went insane this week. She keeps calling me, fuckin yelling about shit that is none of her business. Like, how much money is in my bank account. And coming into my job trying to get me fired.

And Wednesday, I'm on my way to the dentist, and I get a phone call from her. "Hello?" .... "YOU CANT COME BACK HERE. IM KICKING YOU OUT RIGHT NOW. YOU DONT LIVE HERE ANYMORE. COME GET YOUR SHIT." ......
all because SHE FOUND A PLAN B PILL WRAPPER from 3 YEARS AGO. Yeah, 3 years ago when she wouldnt even speak to me because, in her own words, "you are nothing but a drug addict, and I refuse to help you. you deserve to feel like the scum of the earth."

Id rather pop Plan B's and BC pills for my entire life than end up with 4 babies by men who DONT love me. anyways, I got my shit.

I have only talked to her once since, it was a 15 second long conversation in which she managed to accuse me of "going behind her back" (to get MY OWN MAIL). called me "delusional", a "little liar" and informed me that I am going manic. I responded with, "You opened my bank statements. you are lucky I didn't call the cops because you would be in FEDERAL PRISON. And my doctors beg to differ. Have a nice day, you fucking cunt."


Lauralie leaves for LA on wednesday. Sarah was kind enough to give me four whole days off before I work the entire 11 days that Lauralie is gone. The only part that sucks about my work. if Lauralie cant work, I HAVE to. Today is day 3 of 4 days off. woooot.

I also get paid on friday.
When you're only making 6.25 an hour and you can still manage a 400-some dollar paycheck.....
You are working. your ass. off.

I need to stop pulling all nighters.
I keep staying up until ridiculous times in the AM.
Everyone is going insane, right when I stopped going insane.
Only one person seems to understand this.
I feel like us two, and mayyyyyybe those two(but not really at all)...are the most sane.
Everyone is in such a fucking rush.
slow down.
Calm down, people, dont you want to see something other than BLUR?
I would...but
I guess it's all about preference.

I think I might be a little bit...Too...relaxed.

HAHAHA, its surprising coming from ME!!!

...sOMEONE who works 34 hours a week for shit pay,
...Gets burned by the bank ALL THE TIME,
...Gets disowned and "kicked out" (I didnt even live there anyways.... and supposedly I'M delusional)
...someone who has not had ONE ativan since June 10th, 2006, and REGULARLY has anxiety attacks (I have had 3 since that date. WORD)
....someone who is always looking for a place to live (sibley manor? huh? maybe!!)
...started the summer off miserable, feeling guilty anxious tired ignored.

I just dont give a fuck anymore. I am doing what I need to do to be able to live and be content. My favorite part is that it doesnt involve being NICE to anyone. Just have to be real with everybody. All the time. If the realness is nice, then that is just wonderful. If the realness is hard to take...whatever. They can come to me when they dig the real shit out of the pile of bullshit they dumped on top of it. Then the problem dissappears.

Hooray for rationality!
("Hooray Beer!")
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