So, I saw this icon meme thing on
seesmooshrun 's LJ and found it rather intriguing. Some icons are covetable. What? It's a word.
Since I am icon-happy, I decided to play. The rules:
- Reply to this post (only if you wish) and I will pick six of your icons.
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
seesmooshrun picked the following icons:
The Eye
This was my first LJ icon.
thruterryseyes made it for me knowing how the eyes of my hero and muse (one Dean Winchester) never failed to inspire me. I also have a thing for black and white pics; our house is decorated in b/w family portraits, pictures of Mo Chuisle, and architectural images. She knew I'd like the combo of his eye with the flash of green grabbing me each time I glanced toward my journal. I use it as my default icon thinking (perhaps naively) that people might see it and think 'Gaelic was here.'
I know. I'm a dork.
The Young Riders
I patrolled for this one. After a not-so-easy-going split with the team over on the Supernatural Virtual Seasons, I needed a wee break from writing about our boys and I wrote a story for the Young Riders fandom called
A Home For Better Men. I found this icon by
luxbella on one of the Young Riders communities and it actually showed all six original riders.
Dealing with It
A good many of my personal posts are done when the world or my life has gotten the better of me and rather than bust up a car in a junkyard with a tire iron (as I might feel the need to), I write about whatever it is. It's my way of 'dealing with it'. That...and writing Dean. Channeling angst, anger, and pain into that character is amazingly cathartic. So, when I found this icon by filthy_fujoshi I knew it had to be mine. least...that I had to use it.
Plus...did you see those arms? Shoulders? Back? I'm just sayin'....
Oh. My. Ryan.
Ryan Reynolds has been a guilty pleasure of mine since...well, sadly, Van Wilder. His dry, quick-witted humor won me over (despite the fact that I often found myself blushing and covering my face at some of his remarks) long before I saw the Abs From Heaven in Blade: Trinity (which is where this icon is from). He was the best part about that movie, hands down. And I will watch pretty much anything with him in it. Even (God help me) Adventureland. I can't wait to see Buried. day when I was trolling for pretties because I'd coerced my friend Terry into making me a banner for
Desolation Angels I stumbled across a virtual treasure trove of yummy Ryan-ness. I don't know who this particular icon is by because I found it through the Blade:Trinity fanpage, so if it's yours, thank you.
If you're curious about the banner that
thruterryseyes did for the story (incorporating Ryan and Dean with her mad manip skillz) here it is:
Universe Wins
I first saw this over on
lsketch42's journal and thought it so fitting for what life occasionally does to us, that I snagged it. It's by
surrexi and is used for those times in life when pretty much everything that can go wrong does go wrong and you really wonder what compelled you to get out of bed that morning.
Calvin Rants
First of all, who doesn't love Calvin? I ask ya! I grew up on this precocious cartoon and his adorable, trouble-making tiger, Hobbs. So, when taking a late night stroll around LJ one time, I saw this and smiled because yeah, sometimes you don't want to have a discourse or seek advice. Sometimes you just want to RANT about life, love and the pursuit of good TV. This one is by
That's all, folks!>