From Yesterday, Post 15-B/20, PG-13, Dean, Sam, OCs, GEN

Feb 08, 2014 10:09

Title: From Yesterday
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: gaelicspirit
Characters: Dean, Sam, and OCs
Disclaimer: They're not mine. More's the pity. Title is from a 30 Seconds to Mars song of the same name. Rated very much PG-13 for language (mostly Dean) and a couple of mature scenes

Summary: See Prologue.

Part 2: Chapter 14-A

From Yesterday, Part Two: Chapter 14-B )

supernatural, author: gaelicspirit, what do you think?, fanfic, writing

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Comments 16

metallidean_grl February 8 2014, 22:14:29 UTC
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really liked Reynolds. He was a good logical man and not one to be swayed by the silly stuff, but willing to listen to reason. NOOOOOOOOO ( ... )


anonymous February 9 2014, 01:03:01 UTC
Hi there! I hope you don´t mind me irrupting in here. I remember reading “The night of the hunter” and falling in love with your writing, so when I saw this the other day I just rush to all 13 chapters, in a week. I still love your writing, and I do love madly the alternative end you have made for S5. So far I am in love with the first part of this story and all the wonderful OCs you have created.
Nevertheless I have to say I´m not so impress with this Brenna chick, don’t get mad at me, but she feels to much as a Mary Sue to me (fanfiction net has a lot of those for my liking and a couple of really good cracky ones if you´re curious to know how this character is defined).
Anyhow, I just want to you say that despite the fact that we don´t share the same taste on this one, I do like your writing and the passion you obviously put in doing it. All the best till the end of the story, although at this point I have to say goodbye and good luck with the rest of the trip.


gaelicspirit February 9 2014, 03:42:08 UTC
Hi there ( ... )


anonymous February 9 2014, 01:27:33 UTC
Nikki here.

I have to wait two more weeks to find out what happens next? Grrrrr. Not fair.

Getting very intrigued as to what's happening with poor Dean, and Sammy is in a bit of trouble isn't he? :-S

Enjoyed as always (though I think your link on hoodie-time is wrong, I ended up at the chapter from two weeks ago) and can't wait to see what happens next. :D


gaelicspirit February 9 2014, 03:36:12 UTC
Nikki -- THANK YOU!!! Thanks so much for the head's up about the link to Hoodie Time. I was trying to post so quickly, I didn't update the html link when I posted to communities today. I've fixed it! :)

You're the best -- really appreciate it! :)



anonymous February 9 2014, 16:09:35 UTC
Hehe, I've done the same thing myself - I used to write for NCIS a few years ago, couple of times I was posting to comms in a hurry, same as you and forgot to change the link lol.


pandi19 February 9 2014, 03:52:24 UTC
Aaaaaaahhhhh! I love this! I haven't said that lately. ;)

I read this chapter like I read cookbooks -- lots of ooo's and ahhh's. So. Good. I love everything that's going on Sam in peril, Brenna helping Dean develop his new skillz and now Virge is missing! Squee! All the twists and turns make me giddy. I'm excited to see what will happen next.

See you soon! Chapter early, on-time, or delayed...I will be here. With bells on. Just sayin' .



mdlaw February 9 2014, 06:02:08 UTC


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