Stream of Consciousness, Epi. 9.13

Feb 05, 2014 01:13

I'm learning never to trust the slant of the previews.

The Ramble )

supernatural, episode review, what do you think?, stream of consciousness

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Comments 124

impala1967 February 5 2014, 07:56:36 UTC
oh wow , again you sumed it up so well for me that theres not really much more I can add ( ... )


gaelicspirit February 24 2014, 02:55:34 UTC
I got a bit of a jealousy vibe from Sam in his rant , about Dean being the hero, coming in and saving the day ... well if he wants to be a hero one place to start is stop being a prick to his brother, the one who raised him and kept him as safe as can be.

Agreed. He sounded a bit...petulant. I have to figure that's not the way they intended him to sound, so I was trying to look at it from his POV...but not having much luck.

I have to cross my fingers and hope that 'the mark' will bring Dean close to the edge and that is what Sam needs to see that Dean is more than just a hunter to him.

I'm hoping this right along with you. I know they have like...10 more episodes to go this season which is plenty of time to get this figured out, but right now it's hard to see a clear path to where they're going with the bros relationship.

I hope I packed right for this trip! Let's see...a closet full of sweaters for a KS winter...3 days in a conference room...and swealtering temps outside. YIKES! :)

Talk soon, J! :)


spike247uk February 5 2014, 09:51:58 UTC
thanks for another awesome review, you really help me to put my feelings into words as I've been devastated with the last few episodes ( ... )


gaelicspirit February 24 2014, 02:59:33 UTC
but I really am struggling with the interaction with the boys, and how Sam seems to be forgetting how he promised in S8 that he wanted to live, that he wanted to show Dean that these trials didn't need to end in death.....and now he's taking all that back?!?

Yeah, I don't really get it right now, either. I have to believe, though, that the writers have some kind of plan -- but it's hard to see the path they have the bros on right now going anywhere positive. I'm in it for the long haul, though, and won't give up hope!

If you do decide to leave our boys, I hope you'll swing by here once in awhile and check in -- that's the worst thing about people losing faith in the show, I think. I so enjoy conversing with everyone, y'know?


palomacal February 5 2014, 09:56:12 UTC
Honestly, i'm really sorry to say this after 9 seasons, but I'm starting to think that this is just bad writing. How can they have Sam talking about showing the light to Dean, then saying how happy he was with their life at the bunker, then in the church saying all that about not wanting to disappoint Dean again ... and now saying all those things about Dean thinking he is his hero brother, practically saying that he's just selfish and all his motivations in life are not being alone, that he has done more bad than good ( ... )


gaelicspirit February 24 2014, 03:03:54 UTC
How can they have Sam talking about showing the light to Dean, then saying how happy he was with their life at the bunker, then in the church saying all that about not wanting to disappoint Dean again ... and now saying all those things about Dean thinking he is his hero brother, practically saying that he's just selfish and all his motivations in life are not being alone, that he has done more bad than good ....

Right??? It has to be going somewhere.

People say random things when they're hurt/angry. I really hope that's what this is, too. But this time, Sam doesn't have a spell or a siren or a curse to blame it on. It's all him. And the things he's saying don't add up -- even to things he said earlier this year (at the boys' home, for example).

Your translation is spot on and I agree with you -- and so pleased you "de-lurked" to comment. I hope I can continue to infuse optimism into each review so that you find the joy that we all look for when watching our boys.



Maz anonymous February 5 2014, 10:21:27 UTC
Thanks for the ramble - your thoughts always crystallise my own ( ... )


Re: Maz gaelicspirit February 24 2014, 03:07:08 UTC
MAZ! I'm so pleased to see you. I don't know if you'll come back to see this comment, but in case you do: (((HUUUUGS))).

they're paid for this stuff, they should at least have the skill to work it into the flow of the story line a bit, y'know just for variety and, well, realism

That made me LOL! :)

Jensen has been AMAZING in these last few episodes and has looked even better (if that's even possible). I just love love love LOVE the way he plays Dean Winchester, even if the show has me WTF-ing all over the place. :)

I'm at the gate waiting for my flight to Sydney and there's a flight going to London across the way. Wish I were heading that way to see you. :)


hunenka February 5 2014, 10:28:03 UTC
Hi, long-time lurking fan of your rambles here. I don’t usually do this, but this episode hurt me so much I felt like I needed to voice my thoughts somewhere, so I figured I’d do it here, in reaction to your wonderful recap/summary, with which I wholeheartedly agree.

On the topic of Dean willing to make sacrifices as long as he’s not the one being hurt:

1. What about the events of Swan Song? Back in that episode, Sam asked Dean to trust him, to let him jump in the Cage with Lucifer, and Dean did. Sam is the most precious, most important thing in Dean’s life. And he knew what was waiting for Sam in the Cage - an eternity of torture with the Devil himself, without doubt so much worse than what Dean’s gone through during his own stint in Hell. It’s practically Dean’s worst-case scenario. And still he let Sam take that jump. If that isn’t a sacrifice that hurts Dean, then I don’t know what is.

2. The same could be said about Trial and Error. Again, Sam asked Dean to trust him, to let him do the Trials, which they both knew was ( ... )


gaelicspirit February 24 2014, 03:09:41 UTC
Hello there!

Thank you so much for "de-lurking" to comment. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts! I hope you return.

Back in that episode, Sam asked Dean to trust him, to let him jump in the Cage with Lucifer, and Dean did.

RIGHT?! That plus copious amounts of other examples has me TOTALLY NOT GETTING where Sam was coming from when he said that.

Sam said he sees the end at the end of the tunnel, and Dean said repeatedly all throughout the second half of season 8 that he wants to see Sam have that life. But Sam having that normal, happy life? Would totally mean Dean hunting on his own (because Dean sees himself as being a hunter until the day he dies), not having Sam by his side all the time.

EXACTLY. *sigh*

I hope we get some clarity on where Sam's head is at with all of this, because he's frustrating me all to pieces at the moment.

Thanks again for commenting.


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