Oct 06, 2004 19:57
Well, they say life sucks, and then you go to prison, meet a man named Bubba, get a sore anus, and then you die becuase you caught AIDS from Bubba. Well, its not quite as simply and luxurious as all that. You have to suffer a lot more, and on a much smaller, low paced scale.
So, if that wasn't any clue as to how life has been for the last 30 days, i dont know what is. To Start off the Month of September, it is usually my birthday, but of course there is that whole new phenomenon called "Hurric-anal Rapage". What does that mean you ask? Well, not only do I not get to celebrate it with my friends, but the Hurricane Francis also decreed in his infinite wisdom, that I would spend it completely be myself in a hotel room in Jacksonville. Oh the irony, spending my 18th birthday in the same city I was born in, and hating it just as much as when I was born. Jacksonville is the second largest cesspool of inbred genetics just under Memphis Tennessee. Great, right? There is an upside, two actually. I got have fun with my friends Max, Brett, Jason, Cassi, Suzanna, and Zach (aka the Gay Love Child) less than a week later. The second up point, we didnt have school all that week.
Well after that, I thought life was looking up, until Jade called me up and said, "Hey, I don't think you care about me" and "I think I going to dump you". Keep track of these, they build up. Now why did she get mad at me? I'll tell you. Because I ventured to the movies and saw "Hero" with my older brother. Wait, it gets better, WHILE SHE WAS IN ATLANTA! Thats right, it is ridiculous. The good side? We worked it out, so all was good.
Soon after, me and Max went to see a show at the coffee house in Cocoa Village. After some nice playing by the likes of Xstian Goblin and Wolfy Lonesome, Max introduced me to some of the greatest people on the planet. Plus, this one girl totally wanted me, but of course i was the good one and declined. Max and I enjoyed a nice few hours of socializing at the so called compound, which I realized is the greatest place in the whole world, and I found that they were good kids. It was most enjoyable, to say the least.
So, I'm thinking things with Jade are all smoothed out, becuase I'd done nothing wrong the last time. Well, it turns out I was sadly mistaken, becuase she doesn't seem to recall that the last argument held no one in fault. So I receive a nice phone call about how I am insincere, and have never meant anything I've said in regards to liking Jade. What, did I miss something? Clearly, because apparently the fact that you write someone letters about HOW YOU CARE ABOUT THEM isn't a way to exspress HOW YOU CARE ABOUT THEM. Right. So after we smooth things out, I once again find myself in a good position. All becomes right with the world.
Then, of course, Hurricane Jeanne comes. Now, I thought this would bring bad times, whereas, on the contrary, it brought about the funnest time of my life. Me and "Da Boyz", consisting of Matthew Thomas Young and Joseph Middle Name Bennet, direly needed CAS hours. Matt created the most ingenious and dubious plan of staying at a hurricane shelter and getting constant hours. Did I mention it was genius? It was like the Blitzkrieg on Poland, unexpected and flawless. We enjoyed over fifty hours of nonstop fun complete with drunken homeless men that smell bad, little girls with crushes on matt and joe (but hated me and literally beat me up), and a complete history lesson of the last fifty years by the coolest old lady i've ever met. Plus, i didnt receive and bad phone calls from you-know-who. So it was all good.
Now, you might believe that by the alternating good/bad scenario method in which I've been writing, that this is the time for bad news, and, strangely, it most certainly is. Well, first of all, I had been trying to reactivate my account in SWG, and they would not give me my password back. Now, this means that I get extremely pissed off. First of all, I payed for the damn thing, I own that shit. Second of all, I have to go through a gigantic process in which to try and recover my password, but to no avail. I wanted to start my own Nuclear Weapons Age, right inside the left of Sony's Anus. Plus, at just around the same time, My dear friend Brad (who I recently had a falling out with but now understand that I shouldn't have been mad at him) has a life crisis. You know, one of those "parents actually told me I was worthless" type of situations. Which are never good for anyone. So things have got to change.
Now, like the holy grail, a new light becomes suspended above our unsuspecting heads! An Exclusive LAN at Jason's Apartment. Now, I cannot begin to describe the Godliness which followed, but I can try. Mountain Dew, Dawn of War, GI Joe, MC CRIS, Chicken Dance, Silly String, Guy Game, BattleFront, Sharpie Marker, Doom II, Irish Rovers, Best Buy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, Enough said, Right?
So, life seems pretty good about now right? Well, I thought so too, until last monday. See, if you've been keeping track, this will have been the third time within a month (6 times in two months) that my girlfriend has called and insulted me (with no backing might i add), each time expecting i would stay with her. So, I get this call, and it starts out normal. You see, Jade seems to think that: I am the worst person in the world to talk to; I dont understand people and their problems; I'm insincere and constantly lie to people; i am an person incapable of empathy; and that I would be better off isolated and never talking to people. Now i know what your thinking "Sam, Please tell me you guys broke up, citing mutual disagreements." Well, as it turns out, Jade believed that a girlfriends should be able to get away with say all of this by saying "I didn't mean it, you have actually never done anything wrong to me, and have been a great boyfriend" afterwards. But, if you can say that out loud, even if you dont mean it, isn't that just as bad. She was completely serious about all the bad things she said as well. I know because i asked "Are you Serious?!" Now, I then told her that we'd be better if we were not in a relationship. Of course, giving that she had said those things about me and not vice versa, you would thing she'd understand. Well, it turns out, and i quote, "I hate you, I'd say I'd prefer you didnt exist, but i dont want to make your family sad, i still care about them." WTF? Samuel Doesnt Play that. I never didnt anything harmful to her, on the other hand, i was a completely wonderful boyfriend.
So as you can See, Life in september, leading into October, was weird, everchanging and almost a pile of cow dung. But now, in retrospect, everything turned out all right, and I'm glad im single. Seeing how she reacted, why would I would have wanted to stay with her? Well, it's still sad just the same, but I'm getting over fast, if you know was I mean