Aug 19, 2004 15:04
Tomorrow we disappear into the woods to shoot a 5-7 minute short film. Three actors, three crew and me, plus one actor's two kids. There's no power on-site, so we'll be working off battery packs, but this lack is more than made up for by the sheer number of mosquitoes. At least I expect so.
So why are a bunch of Pagans going camping in the bug infested wilds of eastern Ontario with a load of expensive camera equipment, no electricity to run it and a dream of a super short mystery film? Gods know.
But, with the possible exception of one actor who hasn't bothered to confirm his arrival, the entire cast and crew are pagan. How does this affect the film? I hope that the sense of community and sharing that I find in general will make everybody give 110% since I'm the writer/ director, and I'm the one'll look stupid if the film sucks. In more general terms, maybe it proves that we can herd cats, or at least get them all wanting to go in the same direction.
What does this mean with regards to my spirituality and the purpose of this journal.... that's a bit tougher.
I consider myself a modern day bard, a teller of stories and a teller of darker truths (truths that surpass the boundaries of fiction/ non-fiction).
I also consider myself a Seer, and a Priest, perhaps a counselor in the "shut the fuck up and do something about it" school of therapy. Telling stories of the dark side, the shadows that live in each of us, fulfills something inside me that needs to express itself. I believe that watching someone else do the terrible, unacceptable things we long to have the freedom to do, and either get away with it or not, allows us to relieve the pressure of wanting to do those thing ourselves, without harming anyone. No Laszlos were actually harmed in the making of this film. But my need to strangle an 'ex' who is still badgering me seven years after our breakup is lessened by beating Laszlo to death on film.
Satisfying, but spiritually much cleaner, much less karmically sticky. And you know that the sexy actress enjoys the killing of her abusive ex in absentia, as Laszlo enjoys the freedom to scream obscenities at the shadow of an enemy, without offending anyone.
I've been trying to think if any of the nine virtues apply to film-making. Certainly not if you look at the Hollywood model.
But I like to build community, and am doing so in my fledgling film career. I tend to keep the same actors and crew, and try to get them training or experience to increase their chances of getting work in the field.
So, is this Right Action? The Two Currents of imagination and concentration? In a way. Certainly Patronage in the new political sense of the word. I'm teaching my God-Daughter skills that will be of enormous benefit, should she decide on a career in film.
But I think it feeds the part of me that reflects Honour (these people help me when I'm in need, I will not abandon them when I no longer need free services). The Clan Rights are upheld in a clan of my choosing, rather than one of birth. Community: I try to keep the work and therefore the money within the Pagan community. Use Pagan actors, crew, musicians, locations, technical staff.....