Dave at Home

May 29, 2022 00:35

This is Dave's first day at home.

He looks rather stunned, but not as stunned as me!

But he's sitting up! I never really saw him do that by himself in the
hospital, but I came back into the room and he was sitting like this!

Then our neighbor across the street, Blossom, who is Dave's driveway
buddy (they always talk in the driveway), said that she was going to
bring over a Jamaican meal - and she did!

Jerk chicken, red beans and rice, and fried bananas! I think I was more
happy to see food that I didn't have to cook than Dave was to eat it.
(And I ate plenty, too!)

So, things roll along. It's only the beginning of the summer; it's going
to be a long haul.

dave, update, summer

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