
Mar 18, 2020 02:14

Well, after being on Spring Break and then on "temporary"
online classes, we got the word yesterday that we'll be
online for the rest of the semester.

Do I need to say that I HATE online? I became a teacher
so I wouldn't have to sit in front of a screen all day!

My students are beyond upset. For some majors -- Chemistry,
Music, Art, Drama, Architecture -- there's no way they
can do it online. It's just not going to work. So they'll
probably lose this semester.

At least I'm getting paid, because many others won't be.

Mr. Dave works at a grocery store (Tops) and it's been
lunacy there. People stripping the shelves, not only of
toilet paper, but meat, especially chicken, and onions
and potatoes. The trucks of food that are supposed to
come in the mornings have been hours late and people
stand there, waiting for them to unload, yelling, "I
need a bag of onions NOW!" Seriously? Stand back, people
-- no one is starving yet! He comes home stressed and
ready to pop. Luckily, he's able to pick up most of
what we need everyday -- no hoarding. I did my St.
Patrick's shopping over a week ago and my freezer is
full, so as long as they aren't rationing cat litter
and Fancy Feast (yes, Chloe!) we're good for a while.

Saturday I actually went out to the bookstore and
got take out -- yes, Chinese food! Now most of the
stores are shut, but I have plenty to read. Perhaps
I'll do a book post -- I haven't done that in a
while. Maybe I'll even write something: since my
conference in Philadelphia in April has been canceled,
I don't need to write my paper on "The Great British
Baking Show." Sigh. I was looking forward to that.

Madam Alyssa works at a country club in Columbus,
Ohio, and a museum -- both are now shut. She doesn't
know what she's going to do. Many, many many are in
this same boat, but she's never had to deal with
anything that rocked her world before. You can't
tell the kid, well, that's life -- it's her life
and she's freaking out. Poor Madam!

My sister is actually enjoying having court closed,
at least for a while. She says it will give her time
to clean her house! The only problem is that she doesn't
cook -- not at all. She lives in restaurants and take out,
so she's going to have to live on delivery for the near

My friend Ann has MS and is in assisted living. They are
literally in lockdown. I sent her a DVD and the new James
Taylor CD. She needs entertainment. And the phone is her

I keep thinking that we've been spoiled in this country.
Even during all the wars of the 20th Century, we were
safe at home, unlike so many countries. This is a wake-up
call -- no one is truly "safe" from life.

I hope everyone stays well.


dave, update, virus

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