Update (Painful, But Only for Me)

Nov 14, 2016 03:04

I had hoped to have the final three chapters of "Coup de Foudre"
out by this time - I wanted to finish before Christmas - but
alas, I haven't been able to do it.

I'm limping through these last weeks of the semester and then
I'm going in for knee replacement surgery. My right knee, which
has been deteriorating swiftly during the past year, is shot.
Or at least part of it is. I had a bad accident in 2007 and it's
also taken some major and minor hits over the years until it's
time to have the Doc, who is a big sports guy here (he does all
the athletes at S.U.), take a whack at it. Which means I, who
have avoided hospitals for most of my life, will have had TWO
operations in one horrible year (among other reasons this year
is horrible!).

So the gallbladder went in June, but that was fairly easy.
Outpatient laparoscopic and I was home by noon and up and running
pretty normally in a few days.

Not so with the knee. I'm going to have to stay in the hospital
for a couple of days! (I'm afraid of hospitals, as are most
sane people!) And there will be a lot of rehab and physical
therapy until I'm ready to go back to class at the end of
January. Or until I go back, ready or not.

So I thought I'd update you about this in case you thought I was
ignoring you. I'm not.

I only wish I looked as beautiful in a hospital bed as someone
we all know and love. At least they won't be rotating my ball!

coup de foudre, hospital, update

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