As you all know, I'm currently in exile/on vacation/in servitude
at my mother's Condo in the Wilds of Ohio.
Now, I'm told that I'm needed at a meeting back in NY next week.
Which I won't be able to get to, for a number of reasons, the main
one being that I'm 300 miles away with no transport in the offing.
No problemo, says they. You can Skype us.
Oh, I can, can I?
Here's the question -- I know I can, but how?
I have the machine (MacBook Pro with the latest OS). It has the little
camera -- I know because the Apple Guy took a picture of me when
we bought the thing. So, how do I get this Skype and what do I do
when I get it? Everyone says, "Oh, it's EASY!" Yet none has shown
me this easiness.
I do have a 14 year old (Miss Alyssa) to help me accomplish this.
I'm told that if you have any technical issue all you need to do is
find a 14 year old to guide you through it. However, I know some
adult person out there in Queeraholic Land must be able to give me
some pointers before I have to do this fearful deed.
Any input is welcome! I have until next Tuesday to figure this out.
I have Skype downloaded and we will try a test run tomorrow for the meeting
on Tuesday. One question -- it "deposited" a thingy icon that looks like something
for a flash drive on my desktop. Do I leave it there forever? Or for the time being?
The Skype is on my hard rive in the Application folder, so do I need this thing there?
I remain,
Your humble servant --
Look! The Pretty to tempt you!