The Anniversary -- Ten Years!

Apr 10, 2012 15:45

Sunday will be the tenth anniversary of the posting of "Lasagna," the first chapter
of what would become "Queer Theories."

When I posted that chapter, over in the fan fiction section of the QAF area
of Television Without Pity. That's where I first joined the QAF fandom, and,
although I had written one piece of Beatles fanfic years before, it's where
I decided that I'd try my hand at writing a piece of fic for this new obsession
of mine. I had read stories by Sue Walsh (my favorite 1st Generation fic writer),
Miss Miko, and others, and enjoyed them, so I posted "Lasagna" and got an
immediate and overwhelming reaction which encouraged me to continue the
story. I had planned to continue, since "Lasagna" ends on a cliffhanger, but I
had not planned on the "epic" that QT became. I remember thinking around
Ch. 10 that this was getting a little long and wondering how I was going to
wrap it up! But people were still reading and commenting and I thought, "Let's
go with this and see where it leads me." Well, those were famous last words!

"Queer Theories" has taken many twists and turns over the years, but it's always
been about Brian and Justin. Their relationship has been my focus from the
beginning, even when some early readers actually believed, based on the first
few chapters, that I would be writing a Justin/Michael fic! Um, no, although
Michael has been a major character. But so has Emmett, and Deb, and Uncle Vic,
and Jennifer, and Lindsay & Mel, and Gus. But it's also been about some original
characters: Diane and Dorian and Jimmy and, of course, the ubiquitous Ron.
I realized early on that every drama needs an antagonist (note I don't say
villain) and Ron was the perfect antagonist -- brilliant, obsessive, and driven,
he's in many ways a tragic hero, but one who can't succeed in the face of the
strong love of Brian and Justin -- at least in this Stream! LOL!

So now, hundreds of chapters and thousands of words later, we are coming
to the end of this story. It's not the end of the Stream -- that continues, at
least in my head, and I may revisit it down the line. I believe I mused about a
five year jump ahead. That may happen, or I may offer snapshots along the
way, but for all intent and purpose, the Stream will soon see its conclusion.
I had originally planned to end it on the Anniversary, April 15, but I've been
very busy with classes and getting my next conference paper (not on QAF,
alas), ready for May, so I won't make that date. But now, at the end, I don't
want to finish in a rush. You guys deserve a well-considered conclusion. It's
something I've known would happen for a long, long time and I want to make
it right. And I will, to the best of my ability.

So that brings me to the next phase.


That was me, pausing. Because I'm not sure what the next phase will be. For the
first time I don't have anything planned. There are a few possibilities, including
finishing a couple of WIP fics -- "Last Call" my B&J/Holmes/Watson crossover
would be the first in line. I had to suspend that because I just didn't have time
to work on it. But I do want to finish it. Another possibility is finishing "The
Outsiders." I want Brian to finally see the ocean. There are others, too, that
I'll have to consider. And also other sequels -- "Spellbound," the sequel to
"Bell, Book & Candle," as well a possible sequel to my Holmes/Watson saga,
"Baker Street." I know most of my QAF readers weren't interested in that story,
but it was nice change of pace for me. And then there's "Wayfarers." So many

But I'd also like to work on some of my original fiction as well. "Beautiful Poses"
is dear to me, but as a novel I don't really think it has much of a future, being
a gay story that isn't a mystery, or erotic fiction, or a romance novel. I also have
an idea for another original story that takes place in Cambridge during the 1970's
(when I was there myself so it's based in part on my own experiences) -- a first
romance between a small-town American boy studying abroad and an upper-class
undergrad at St. John's. At one point I thought about doing this as a QAF Stream,
but that's not what the story is. It's not fanfic and the characters are not Brian and
Justin in any way and I didn't want to force them into those roles. It wouldn't work.
But it's a story I still want to tell.

And that's where things stand now. I want to thank those readers who have stuck by
me through thick and thin, the ups and downs of that roller coaster that has been
"Queer Theories." The roller coaster isn't over yet, but the station is within sight. It's
time for the ride to end. And for those who have only recently discovered the story --
please enjoy yourselves. You might want to scream at times -- with delight or with
horror! -- but at least I hope you weren't bored. I wasn't bored writing it. And I'm
never bored with The Boys. Because in the end it's all about them.

Thanks for everything --


P.S. Just to add -- I looked at my calendar as I was working on the next chapter
and realized that in the QT Stream today is Brian's 41st birthday. So, Happy B-day,
Mr. Kinney! And many, many more!

fandom, fanfiction, anniversary, queer realities, queer theories, queer identities

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