Summer Time Is Coming...

May 23, 2011 23:55

Summer is coming, which means a trek to my mom's place
and all the usual kerfuffle.

But it also means -- I hope! -- more time to write and
work on a few things I've been letting slide. I'm hoping
to get some work done on a few personal projects (like
"Beautiful Poses"), and also to push to the end of
"Queer Identities."

I've been working on this "epic" for nine years -- that's
a serious amount of time and a freaking lot of story,
let me tell you. And this summer will be the first in a
while when I won't be posting a side story at the same
time. I want to finish THIS fic first before I move on
to something else.

What that next thing will be is up in the air. What I won't
do is start another "Queer Theories" sequel immediately.
There will be a time leap and I need to think about that
leap -- plus I think we'll all need a rest from the drama
of "QI"!

So starting in the fall I may begin the sequel to "Baker
Street" -- Holmes and Watson go to America. I like the
challenge of writing in a Victorian setting -- and I
get to use my Victorian Lit training, which I never get
to teach anymore. And writing for a different fandom
gets me recharged. Brian and Justin can be exhausting,
as we all know!

The other possibility is the widely anticipated sequel to
"Bell, Book & Candle." But that story has a lot of expectations
attached to it and I want to make certain it's ready before
I begin it. A spell only works in it's own time and so does
a story. I don't want to serve up anything only half-cooked.

And then -- I could come up with something unexpected. That's
how "Nowhere Man" happened. And "The Enchanted Cottage." And
"The Angel Stream." They weren't planned -- they just happened.

So we'll see how things shake out.

But in the meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying "Queer Identities."
There's still a lot more to come. And more surprises.

fandom, summer; condo, update, "qi"

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