Pan Am Bombing

Aug 21, 2009 00:57

I don't do political on the LJ. I leave that to people much more
eloquent and knowledgeable.


35 Syracuse University were blown to pieces on that airplane oh so
many years ago.

I teach at Syracuse University.

5 of them were my former students. One was the twin brother of one
of my students.

I taught in the London Program two years before, so I was a big booster.
I wrote recommendations for 3 of those students. They went to London
on my rec.

You can imagine how I felt. And how I feel right now.

I heard the guy talk about compassion for prisoners. Hey, I wrote
"Medium Security." No one believes in fair treatment for prisoners
and equal justice for everyone more than I do.

I lived in England and Ireland for large chunks of the 1960's, 1970's,
and 1980's. I'm a Mick. I was stopped, searched, questioned by Brit
cops and soldiers because I have a Mick name, an obviously Mick mug,
and cartoon Mick red hair.

Yes, I understand about the IRA. About that whole mess. But also about
terrorizing the Irish for centuries. Putting people in prison for various
reasons. I guess I didn't see any compassion shown for the blanket
prisoners or Bobby Sands. What about that, England? And I thought
Scotland might not cave in, but it did. And all for a deal for oil?
I can believe it. Unfortunately, I'm jaded.

Sorry, kids. You'd be entering your 40's now. Scary, but true. But
I haven't forgotten. And I never will.
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