"Dog Days" 11

Jan 27, 2006 23:52

More of "The Angel Stream"

After work.

By Gaedhal


Pittsburgh, August 2005

"We're going out for a drink at that new bar on the North Side," said Bryce. "Want to come along?"

"Naw," Justin replied as he changed into his jeans. It had been a busy Friday night at the Watermark. Justin had made a lot of tip money, but he was tired and anxious to get home. "I don't think so. Brian is waiting for me."

"Give him a call," Bryce suggested. "Have him meet us there."

Bryce thought Justin's boyfriend was hot. Some evenings he came and sat at the bar, watching Justin and waiting to catch a few minutes with him on his break. Bryce had heard a lot about Brian Kinney and knew he used to be a major stud on Liberty Avenue, but he seemed to have settled down recently.

Maybe settled down. Or maybe not. Bryce was up for a threesome with a couple of hot guys. Or even a foursome if he could prod Clarence into it. Clarence liked to fuck a lot of guys, but he usually preferred to do it one-on-one -- behind Bryce's back. Or at least he thought he was doing it behind Bryce's back. He was wrong.

"Not tonight," Justin said firmly. "I don't want to stay up too late tonight. Brian and I are going out to the Antique Market tomorrow and I want to get an early start."

"Antique Market?" Bryce grinned. "Brian doesn't seem like the antiques type. Where is this place?"

"Out in the country, near Wiley." Justin put on his rugby shirt and stuffed his dirty Watermark shirt into his gym bag. It had a tomato sauce spill right in the front. He'd have to soak the thing in pre-wash to get it out. "It's beautiful around there. You guys should drive out there sometime."

"I'm a city boy," said Bryce. "And I'm not big on antiques."

"If you and Clarence ever want to go on a romantic weekend, I know a great place," Justin advised. "Brian and I stayed there last spring."

Bryce rolled his eyes. "Clarence isn't big on romance. The last time we went away together was to go to Clarence's aunt's funeral in Scranton. Believe me, it was no fucking honeymoon!"

"No, that doesn't sound very romantic," Justin agreed.

The two walked out of the restaurant together, glancing around. The Watermark parking lot was well-lit, but it never hurt to be careful. When any of the waitresses went out to her car, Clarence or Bryce or one of the bartenders walked with her -- just to make sure she was okay. And even the guys usually walked in pairs. Maybe it was paranoia, but Justin was glad they all looked out for each other.

Clarence was smoking a cigarette by their car as he waited for Bryce. "You coming with us to the bar?" he asked Justin.

"Maybe next time," Justin said. Then he headed for the Jeep and climbed in.

It was another stifling night. It had been a hot, humid summer and Justin could hardly wait for fall to come and give a little relief. Fall also meant a new school year. He was also supposed to start two art classes at Carnegie Mellon very soon, but if Brian wasn't working....

Justin shook his head. Gardner Vance had to take Brian back! Brian was a partner at Vangard! He wasn't someone Vance could simply dismiss out of hand. But the reality was that Brian was still on suspension. It was proving a long, depressing month for his lover. And Justin was really beginning to worry.

Justin decided to stop at the Liberty Diner and pick up a couple of lemon squares. Brian liked lemon squares and Justin loved them. It would be a nice little treat before they went to bed. Brian usually didn't like to eat any carbs before he went to bed, but if Justin promised to help him work them off... That would tempt him!

Liberty Avenue was busy, even for a Friday night. It was like everyone was trying to enjoy the last days of summer before it all ended and the real world took over again. Justin saw a long line outside of Babylon and even Woody's looked like it was bustling.

He found a parking space way down the street, beyond the Liberty Diner. It was a little dark there, but not too out of the way. A cop car cruised by, but it didn't slow down.

"Hey, Sunshine!" called Debbie, going by with a loaded tray. "Whatcha doing here at this time of night?"

"I just got off work," he said. "Can I get some lemon squares to go?"

"Sure, hon," said Debbie. "Be with you in a minute."

Justin sat at the counter and took out a few dollars of his tip money. It always seemed like a lot, but not compared to what Brian made. That is, when Brian was working. What would they do if Vance really fired him? He knew that Brian had been quietly putting out feelers for another job, but there were only so many advertising agencies in Pittsburgh. Justin also knew that Brian had been searching the internet, looking at agencies in other cities, other states.

What if Brian decided that he had to leave Pittsburgh? Well, that wasn't a difficult decision -- Justin would go with him, of course. He could get a job in a restaurant anywhere. Or in a store. Or even an office, if he had to. And he could work on his art anywhere, too. As long as he had his drawing pads, pencils, some paint, and a place to set up a canvas, he'd be in business. He could do that in Pittsburgh or Peru, in New York or New Zealand. It didn't matter, as long as they were together.

"Here you go," said Debbie, setting down the box with the lemon squares. "I put three in there. In case you get hungry in the middle of the night."

"Thanks, Deb." Justin put the money on the counter and slipped from the stool.

"If they don't treat you right at the Watermark, Sunshine, you can come back and work here!" Debbie asserted as Justin walked to the door. "You tell 'em that!"

"I'll tell them!" Justin laughed.

He pushed open the diner door and the humid air hit him full force. It was getting late. He hurried back down the sidewalk in the direction of the Jeep.

"Hold it!"

Two cops were blocking his path. Two men in the black coats and boots of Mayor Stockwell's Vice Squad. His Anti-Sex Brigade.

"It's after curfew!" barked one of the cops, an older man with a hard face and a gray crewcut.

"I'm over 21," said Justin, clutching his box of lemon squares.

"What are you doing on the street at this hour, punk?" asked the cop. "Hustling?"

"I'm on my way home from work." Justin felt a sudden chill in the humid air.

"Let's see your ID," the cop snapped. "Step over here." He gestured to the mouth of an alley. "Hurry up!"

Justin followed them into the alley. He fumbled for his wallet, trying not to drop it or his box of lemon squares. He finally pulled out his driver's license and handed it to the first cop. "Here."

"Here, what?" He grabbed the front of Justin's rugby shirt and pulled him closer.

"Watch it, Kenny," the second cop nervously warned his partner.

But the first cop ignored him. "I asked you a question, punk!" he pushed Justin back against the brick wall. "And I expect an answer!"

"Here... sir?" Justin breathed, praying that was the answer the cop wanted.

"Sir... or Sergeant!" the cop snarled. He let go of Justin's shirt. Then he pointed to the stripes on his black coat. "See that, faggot? Treat that with respect. You hear me?"

"Yes, sir." Justin swallowed. It wasn't good to show them he was afraid. They wanted him to be afraid. That's what they got off on -- fear.

The cop tossed Justin's driver's license on the ground. "Pick it up."

Justin bent over slowly and retrieved his license, aware that the cop was watching his every move.

"Nice ass," the cop whispered. But Justin heard him clearly. And another chill rushed through him.

"Let it go, Kenny," the partner urged. "Forget it."

"Shut up!" the first cop lashed out.

But his partner stood his ground. "Let's get the hell out of here! Now!"

The first cop sneered. "Don't let me catch you stepping out of line, punk." His dark eyes were riveted on Justin. "Ever spend a night in the Queens Tank? You'd like it there. We know what to do with little bitches like you down in the Queens Tank. Next time you and your pretty ass won't get off so easy...." He let the threat hang heavily in the air.

Justin stumbled out of the alley and began to run. Behind him he heard Stockwell's cops laughing.

fanfiction, angel stream, brian/justin, dog days, qaf

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