"Medium Security" V - Ch. 28

Feb 07, 2005 05:37

Getting up.

By Gaedhal

Chapter 28

Brian woke up and turned over groggily.

"Ow, Brian!" Justin groaned. "You're too heavy!"

"Sorry," Brian mumbled.

He climbed out of bed slowly, glancing at the clock-radio.
It was almost 10 a.m.

Toilet. He needed to piss like a racehorse. Bathroom?
Down the hall. The bedroom door was open and he peered
out warily. He knew there was no one else in the apartment,
but he wasn't used to strolling around naked in broad daylight.

Brian went into the bathroom and flipped on the light. The
shower. Yes! That had felt good. They'd do that again soon.
Very soon!

He pissed and then washed his hands. All of the soaps and
shampoos Justin had smelled nice. Like flowers or herbs or
lemons. Brian washed his face with the white soap by the
sink. Ivory soap. He remembered that brand. His mother
used to buy Ivory. It floated in the bathtub like a square
white boat.

His mother. Did she know that he'd been released? Did she
see it on the news? Did she care at all? Brian wondered
vaguely where his father was buried. Father Bob had tried
to get him to go to the funeral back in January, but Brian
wasn't going anywhere then. He had been in another place
and never thought he'd leave it. But he had left it. And he'd
left the Quad, too.

But now he was here. Unbelievable!

"Hey, crabby!" Justin walked into the bathroom, scratching
his ass. He was naked, too. "Move over!"

"Do you always wander around the house like that? With
your dick in full view?" Brian asked. "I hope you keep the
shades down."

Justin grinned. "I don't see you wearing any clothes, Brian!
This is MY apartment. Excuse me -- OUR apartment --
and if we want to be naked, then fuck anyone who doesn't
like it!"

"I'm only afraid your mother is going to walk in here and
get a look at my dick," said Brian, drying his hands on a
fluffy blue towel.

"So what if she does? Mom has a key, but she won't just
walk in," said Justin, pissing into the toilet. "I already
warned her about that. Besides, I put the chain up before
I went to bed."

"Good thinking," said Brian. "Did you really find this
apartment yourself and do everything? Because it's... it's
great. I love it."

"Thanks, Brian." Justin was so happy that Brian liked the
apartment. "Debbie -- Mrs. Novotny -- told me about it.
My mom didn't want me to move out of her condo. She still
thinks I'm her baby boy who needs her tender loving care.
But I had to get out of there! I couldn't stand watching Ron
and my mother playing house!"

"I don't blame you," Brian sighed. "That's very weird. But
Ron likes to be taken care of and your mom seems to be...
she seems very motherly. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, Mom likes being the Happy Housewife," Justin stood
next to Brian and looked at himself in the mirror. "My dad
liked her being that way, too. Pampering him and doing
everything for him. So she does it with Ron now. And he
sure loves having someone cater to his every whim."

"Better her than...." Brian paused. He almost said, "Better
her than me," but he stopped his flow of words. "Better
her than someone who hates that fucking role. If it's your
mother's thing, that's cool." Brian shrugged. "And I mean
it, Justin, when I say that the apartment is great. And it's
so big!"

Justin snorted. "It's not that big, Brian. It only seems
big compared to our cell."

"What's behind that other door in the hall? A closet?"
Brian asked.

"That's another bedroom," Justin replied. "It's mainly
full of boxes now, but I want to make it into an art studio.
This apartment has nice, tall windows and that room gets
the western light."

"Is that good?" Brian smiled. Justin doing his art. That
was fantastic! It was what he was born to do.

"Yes, pretty good. You get light in the late afternoon,
which is when I like to paint." Brian was clueless about
art, but Justin would teach him." I only wish I were at
the Institute of Fine Art, but Carnegie Mellon is a good
school. And I'm taking an Art History survey right now.
Next semester I'm hoping to get into a Life Studio. That's
a class where you do figure drawing with a model."

"Nude models?" Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Sometimes." Justin smiled up at Brian. "Would you like
to pose?"

"Me? No way! But speaking of class," said Brian. "Aren't
you supposed to at school? Isn't this Wednesday? I'm
pretty confused about a lot of shit, but I know it's not
the weekend."

"I kind of missed my morning classes," Justin admitted.
"But it was for a good cause, Brian! My lover doesn't get
released from prison every day. I guess I can still make
my 2:00 Freshman English class."

"I don't want you skipping classes because I'm here,
Justin," Brian said very seriously. "I'm not a five year
old who can't be left alone for a couple of hours. Your
education is the most important thing right now."

"ONE of the most important things, Brian," Justin insisted.
He put his arms around his lover and held him close. Justin
felt both of their cocks begin to stir. "I've got my priorities
straight, believe me. School is important, but this is
important, too. YOU are important."

Brian squeezed Justin tightly. Justin seemed so confident
on the outside. This was the place he belonged. He was at
home in the real world. But Brian still felt like an
interloper. A true stranger in this strange land.

"Let's take another shower," Justin said, smiling lasciviously.
"Afterwards we can go out and have brunch. All the trendy
gay men do brunch!"

"What the fuck is brunch?" Brian frowned. "It sounds

"Too late for breakfast, but too early for lunch. Brunch!"
Justin slapped Brian on his bare ass. "I know the perfect
place to go. So we better get moving!"

fanfiction, brian/justin, medium security 5, qaf

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