Oct 07, 2005 14:03
Oh how I have missed you, dear LJ, I'm sorry that I have neglected you for so long and not written a real update in 73482974928 years.
I promise I'll make it up to you. ;P
Tons going down lately, barely any time to BREATHE. Where to start? I'm not sure if I already wrote about practicing with the dance team, and I'm too lazy to check. K-dizz and I learned how to really strut our shit on the dance floooooor. Yes sir!
My bro came to visit this past week. It was a good time. I've missed him a lot ( even tho he talks a bajillion miles a minute and doesn't let anyone get a word in.....eats all of my food(my box of cheez-its and wheat thins) and gets pissed off when he has to help me pay for gas when I'm driving his poor ass to his friends house, and when he snores so loud that I don't sleep for more than a few hours. Oh yes, I love my big brover.:)
In other news, Heineken is getting humongous! I think he has conjunctivitis(sp?)...can cats get that?! Cause hes had tons of shit in his little eyeballs that i keep having to clean out, and its not like normal sleepy seeds its like goopy shit that doesnt go away. My poor baby boy I gotta get him checked out.
So Chris and I are dating now. I know that in one of my last posts I said I didn;t want to move too fast, but I really really really like him. And I told him I wanted to take things slow, and hes surprisingly wicked cool with it. It's unbelieveable how much I like him. I haven't felt this way about someone since Dimitri. I just feel amazing being around him. Every text or phone call or even IM I get gives me butterflies. It's one of those things where I feel like its wayyyy too good to be true. And I feel like an asshole because I keep making him reassure me that he's not just pulling my leg...that he really does like me. I was talking to ruth about it and she put it best....just because things haven't worked out in the past, or because I've been screwed over before, gives me no right to start out my relationship with Chris with anything less than 100% trust.( I hope I worded that right.) I'm gonna be honest tho, its hard. I mean, he lives 20 minutes away. I'm SUPER attracted to him and he makes me feel all around beautiful just being near him. Last weekend I slept over his house and while we were laying there talking he told me how he feels like its surreal that we met. I feel the same way. I mean I should just be enjoying having this time because its possible it could end anytime...I'm just such a worrier. But I am truly, ecstatically happy. Just figured I'd let y'all know.
Another thing I'm mad happy about( that sounds like such a nicholais statement) is that me and Jeff are still friends. We talk practically every day and its not weird. At the beginning of this I was so afraid of still even speaking to him. I mean I remember how jealous and upset I got when Toby and I tried to be friends, and I just don't want Jeff to end up hating my like Toby does. It still hurts somewhat to think about the fact that I had such strong feelings for someone who now hates me. But whatever. I'm just thrilled that we are able to be friends. I don't want him to think that he is being replaced tho....I'm just moving on like he is. He's still one of my bestfriends, and I hope will continue to be one. It would be impossible to kick him out of my life. I love him too much. Besides, mullattos kick ass. AND THE LITTLE FUCKER HAS MY SWEATSHIRT AND MY ELF MOVIE! Haha, skank.
Last night we had tons of ppl over and we all got super trashed. Amandarin almost died. Well, maybe not but we were scared she was going to have to get her stomach pumped. That little lush. I really want her to start sticking to beers. That hard alcohol shit gets ppl wayyyy too fucked up. NOT GOOD. It scared the shit out of me to see her not being able to move any of her limbs, with foam and puke seeping from her mouth. I honestly was scared for her life. Fortuantely Chris has dealt with ppl like this before so he reassured us that she would be fine. And nicholais tried to take matters into his own hands. Crazy ghetto ass foo'!
I haven't drank taht much in sooooo long. I had five....maybe 6 mikes. I don't know how that little amount of alcohol messes me up so bad. Honestly, they all had like, whole thirty racks and were fine. But supposedly I was completely gone. I have bruises everywhere. Stupid alcohol. My room is a disaster too. Amandarin puked all over my bed( I slept in her room over at ordway), there is alcohol spilled everywhere on the bed, and one of kdawg's necklaces is missing.
Tonight tho we'll probably just relax and let the events of last night simmer down. Tomorrow night Chris is coming with me to help sit for my cousins :P. I'm so excited, I'm totally surprised that he's up for that. I only know of one guy who would be willing to do that with me, and that was a long time ago. It makes me so happy that hes interested in meeting my family and loves kids like I do. So that should be fun. :)
Ok, I have some hardcore cleaning to do.
Peace out and empty bottles.