Oct 29, 2009 10:47
Dear Sir,
Please do not insult my intelligence when I try to joke with you about state and local tax. I'm just trying to make light of the fact that I don't know what that tax percentage is. It is not an appropriate time for you to tell me that I should have payed more attention in school and get my percentages down, because that's not going to help me ad/or make me a happy person. I come from California, the state where some of the most intelligent people come from. I know taxes there up and down. When I tell you that I come from California, I don't think it's appropriate for you to tell me that I should stop thinking about California and start thinking about my current situation. It is not for you to decide what I think and feel. Thank you once again for leaving in the middle of my explanation, and I hope not to see you back.
No love,