I always wanted a way to stream audio from my PC and the Internet to any stereo in my living area. The limiting factor was that I didn't want to have an always on PC and the cabling would inevitably become a burden when I wanted to change between local audio and living room audio. Another downside was that media centers like the Xbox 360 were cumbersome to use due to long start-ups for playback (turn on the PC, turn on the TV, turn on the receiver, turn on the xbox, run media center, etc...)
This past week we solved our digital music desires with a
Squeeze Box Duet from
Logitech. The Squeeze Box Duet is a combination of the
Slim Devices Squeeze Box and Logitech's Wireless DJ Music System. The two were paired to work together as to make a great streaming server with a great remote interface.
The box has an ethernet port as well as wifi to make connecting to the Internet as easy as possible. It also has output ports for analog audio, optical and digital coax. To setup streaming, the box connects to either the
Squeeze Network website or a locally run version of the squeeze server. When running locally, it can retrieve music from personal collections. The online side of it is very rich. It has access to traditional radio stations through a great local search feature, streaming radio services like Live 365 and Radio IO, user centric sites like Pandora and Last.FM, as well as subscription services like Rhapsody and Sirius. It will also stream podcasts.
The beauty of this thing is that you can search for most of the audio streams from the remote within a very short amount of time and streaming is just about instant. For the podcasts and other niche categories they can be added through the squeeze network interface on a PC which is instantly accessible on the remote. So far, Jenn and I absolutely love it.