Jan 03, 2007 12:03
I am getting a slow start to the new year. I have things I need to do and things I want to do, and I'm putting it off. I have a good reason though! I'm slowly freaking out about this June. I have 6 months to get ready to move and I have no idea where we are going yet. I hate this!!! The last time we moved we knew where we were going before now. That time was the first time I had to deal with Government movers also, and I had no idea really how bad they suck. Plus every thing was in one place. Now I have stuff here and in storage, plus the stuff I will not let them near. The truth of the matter is, we are going to New Orleans LA or some where in northern Cal. and I really don't want to leave Boston. I like it here, a lot. R on the other hand wants as far away from the snow as he can get. Oh well who knows I may like the next place just as much. I doubt it ,but I'll suck it up.
Well this wasn't a very happy up date. I want to bitch about this, and I feel bad doing that with R. Sorry FL you're it.