Oneshot] Picture Perfect

Apr 12, 2013 18:06

Title: Picture Perfect
Author: Eadwine63
Pairing: Gackt  x Hyde
Rating: R for mention of sex and cheating?
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I do not own Gackt and Hyde, for obvious reasons. This is a work of Fiction, FANFICTION on top of that.
A/N: This was written for bluemarina6195 and annui
(I thought I'd post it here too)

The silk sheets barely rustled beneath him as Gackt fell down on them. His breath was heavy and he muttered a soft curse under his breath as he tried to catch his breath. The man next to him chuckled, much to his delight. Hyde had the cutest chuckle when they were in bed. He sounded carefree and childish, but so much like the man Gackt had fallen in love with. He remembered all the little things from when they were in Taiwan. He remembered the times Hyde didn’t smile most of all, because he felt like he was doing something wrong at those times. But he remembered the times they went out drinking together, or when they simply went for a stroll in the hotel garden in the middle of the night, with a moon so big above their head that the entire picture barely felt real. He smiled. Hyde managed to capture his heart and Gackt was glad he was here with him.

“What are you thinking about?” A soft voice reached his ears and Gackt heard the sheets rustle again and knew before he looked at Hyde which sight would greet him. He turned. Hyde was looking at him, turned to the side with his head propped up on his hand. His hair was in utter disarray, but Gackt liked that on him. He leant in and kissed his lover softly.

“Just times gone by,” he whispered and kissed those sweet lips again. They were already bruised from all the kisses they had shared this afternoon.

“Such as?” Hyde whispered back with his eyes half-closed. Gackt smiled again, against Hyde’s lips. He brushed their noses together briefly before he muttered his answer.

“Midnight walks in Taiwan.” Gackt could feel Hyde’s lips tug up in a returning smile. Gackt hated and loved that smile; it made him want to kiss Hyde properly - not those silly quick pecks he gave him sporadically when they met - but he could only do that once every few months, when they got away from all the attention and managed an afternoon together or even a night or perhaps two if they were lucky.

“Those were nice. All romantic and mushy.” Hyde’s smirk made Gackt roll his eyes, but he knew Hyde didn’t mean it as a joke. Those nights did turn out romantic and mushy, but they were lovely at the same time.

“Back when you weren’t afraid to laugh with me and embrace me in front of a camera.” When Gackt pulled back a little, he caught Hyde blushing and he raised an eyebrow at the sight. Why would that make his lover blush? “Why is it, that you don’t want any pictures with me lately?”

“You know why,” Hyde replied. “You know it would only cause too much attention.”

“There is always attention for us, Haido.”

“Because you can’t shut up about me?” Hyde smiled an innocent and playful smile.

“I’m serious. They even make an article about us going on a date when we eat together. After all those years, it’s not just a meeting amongst friends, but a date to the public.”

“That’s exactly why I don’t want them to take pictures of us,” Hyde mumbled and sighed, falling back against the mattress. He stared at the ceiling to gather his thoughts and phrase them well enough so Gackt could understand him. His lover turned towards him some more, brushed a strand of hair out of his face. Hyde smiled. He loved this man, but he couldn’t let anyone know. That was … torturous.

“Why not, Haido? They already speculate.”

“They speculate, yes. But I’m afraid that if they see us together on pictures again, they’ll know what’s going on. I … I’m afraid they’ll see it in the way I look at you. Or the way I hug you goodbye - god forbid in the way I kiss you goodbye.”

Gackt sighed and kissed Hyde’s cheek, spurred on by the idea of kissing Hyde goodbye. He didn’t want to say goodbye yet - they still had a bit of time.

“What’s so wrong about that?”

“I’m cheating on my wife with you, Gacchan,” Hyde said bluntly. It was true. He was cheating on his wife, endangering his family. All for one man he got to see once in a while - too little, he supposed. “I don’t want them to actually KNOW that. They can guess and create fantasies as much as they like, but I don’t want it to become a known fact. It would hurt them so much.”

Hyde’s voice trailed off and it pained Gackt. It hurt to hear him say that, because after all Gackt was hurt too. He’d love to be able to show the world what was going on, even after all those years. The first kiss they shared in Taiwan, the first night together they shared when they had just gotten back. It’s been ten years and Gackt could still count the times they made love on his hands.

“I love you,” Gackt said quietly and made Hyde look up at him again, instead of at the ceiling.

“I know. I love you too.” He smiled a little, but it didn’t make Gackt’s pain leave. “Gacchan,” Hyde muttered, “I’m sorry.” Gackt swallowed. So Hyde did know? He knew how much it troubled him.  “I just can’t do that to my family. I still … I love my family too. You know how much I care about you, but all we can do is meet up once in  a while and have dinner. In all those years, we saw each other too little to really make something out of … this. I love you, but we can’t have more than that.”

“Can’t you stay tonight, and just pretend?” Gackt said in a tone that didn’t match his personality. He sounded too hopeful and desperate. Uncalculated.

“You know I can’t do that, Gacchan. I can’t lie to my family like that.” Gackt nodded, but swallowed and bit his lip to try not to show the extent of his pain. Hyde leant in and kissed him gently. “Don’t torture yourself like that,” he whispered to his lover and kissed him again, “don’t make yourself live in this fantasy, Gacchan. Tomorrow, we’ll go each our own way and you’ll go on tour and we’ll be busy with whatnot.”

“It’s too long, Haido. Too long before I get to see you.”

Hyde smiled sadly, equally pained because Gackt was right. They were in love, had been loving each other for more than ten years now and barely got to see each other. It was a tricky situation, but neither wanted to change much. He got up and ignored Gackt’s plea to come back to bed, because he only went to get his bag and retrieved his phone.

“Let’s take a picture,” he said gently and crawled back into the bed. “To remember us.” He raised the phone and held it in the right position, before he leant in and kissed Gackt. They were in bed, the sheets around their waist. Their hair was messy from their lovemaking.

Their picture was perfect.

~genre: romance, -rating: r, *pairing: gackt & hyde, =author: eadwine63, # fiction

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