Title: Thin Line
b_sim Characters/Pairings: GACKT/Hyde (Hideto)
Rating: R
Genre: AU, general, gore
Summary: When the two ninja, Gackt from Koga and Hideto from Takeda, fought over who would kill the target, neither of them knew what they were getting themselves into.
Notes: Please note that gore has been added as one of the genres. Nothing too graphic like in the movies but it might make you a little squirmish. Anyway, really had fun with this chapter. It's long, though. :B
Disclaimer: Do not own Hyde and GACKT.
00 Prologue Did you know, Gackt? That a human can survive even without a stomach, spleen, kidney and lung? That’s right, Gackt, he was still alive after I removed all that… Still conscious. Still able to feel pain. Can you even imagine what that must be like?