Title: Darkest Night Before The Dawn
b_simRating: R (for gore)
Genre: AU, angst
Summary: Hideto isn't sure how much more of the demon inside him he can take.
Notes: Side-story to Scattered Petals.
Prompt: from
larkir - Uncontrol
Disclaimer: Do not own Hideto(Hyde) and Satoru(Gackt).
[ Darkest Night Before The Dawn ] Title: Upon A Star
b_simRating: G
Genre: AU, fluff
Summary: Perhaps wishes do come true.
Notes: Side-story to Scattered Petals but it can be taken as a one-shot, set during the Sengoku period. :)
Prompt: from
larkir - Wish
Disclaimer: Do not own Hideto(Hyde and Satoru(Gackt).
[ Upon A Star ] Title: Regardless
b_simRating: R (for gore)
Genre: Romance
Summary: Everyone has to face their demons. Satoru didn't think he would face his lover's.
Notes: Side-story to Scattered Petals.
Prompt: from
larkir - Demon
Disclaimer: Do not own Hideto(Hyde) and Satoru(Gackt).
[ Regardless ]