VAMPS weekly Calendar - 54 page weekly calendar + Christmas card. Comes with a stand. I'm guessing it will be a bit like the Dears calendars that Gackt does every year. Sounds really awesome but it's ¥5600 and apparently made to order. Personally I think I might try asking I-TM4U to order it for me. *____* Translation/page by lose91control.
Also by lose91control is this translation of an entertaining Hyde and Kaz interview from Monthly VAMPS vol. 1. If you ever wondered why Kaz worked on the Faith album so much while the band was still being called HYDE, now you can find out!
VAMPS Live 2009 Photobook - Can't find it on YesAsia or Fujisan OR but CDJapan has it for only $26 USD and change so that's fine too.
Limited Edition Best of HYDE album - CDJapan is currently selling it for 20% off the usual ¥3500 price tag so it's only ¥2800 or $30.09 USD (don't be scared off by the $37 listing, that's the original price, not the discount).