Jan 29, 2008 15:38
WOOT WOOT!!! THE 80's!!!
1.How old were you in 1980?
Kat: Wasn't Born yet.
Jason: 2-3
2. How old were you in 1989?
Kat: 6-7
Jason: 11-12
3. Were you a Toys R' US Kid?
Kat: Lived in Hicksville...bit hard in Hicksville with no Toys-R-Us
Jason: Yup
4. Did you watch Transformers?
Kat: Religiously
Jason: ALL OF 'EM!
5. Did you see E.T. on the big screen?
Kat: I had nightmares...
Jason: Yep.
6. Did you own a Lite Bright?
Kat: All my friends did. ¬¬ I should go buy one.
Jason: YUP!
7. Who is your Favorite Golden Girl?
Kat: Grandma. She rocks.
Jason: The really old one.
8. When someone says " Who you gonna call? " You think?
Kat: GHOSTBUSTERS! da dada da da, da dada da da, dadadadada, GHOST BUSTERS!
Jason: Ghostbusters, duh.
9.What was your favorite toy(S)?
Kat: All my Barbies and Rainbow Brite dolls.
Jason: G.I. Joe!
10. Did you own a pogo ball?
Kat: I WISH, my best friend did though.
Jason: Nope
11. Did you listen to New Kids on the Block?
Kat: *swoon*
Jason: I didn't have a choice...all the girls at school were listening to them.
12. What New Kid did you have a crush on?
Kat: All of 'em...
Jason: ahem.
13. Did you play M.A.S.H?
Kat: I made the little finger puppets too. Mash was so much fun.
Jason: Yes...hung out with girls, and I had sisters.
14. Did you watch The Care Bears?
Kat: Yeah, with my baby sister.
Jason: *sigh* Yes, my baby sister adored them. Had the movie memorized.
15. Did you have a Jelly bracelet?
Kat: AND jelly shoes.
Jason: Noooooo.
16. Did you have a charm necklace and/or bracelet?
Kat: Several.
Jason: uh, noooo
17. Did you have a Glo Worm?
Kat: LOVED that thing!
Jason: the Mc Donalds toys.
18. Did you ever own a slap bracelet?
Kat: I had quite the collection. Used to slap my brother with them.
Jason: Me? No. Family did, but not me.
19. The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles?
Kat: Hm... Sixteen Candles.
Jason: Breakfast club
20. Did you have a crazy hair style?
Kat: I started the Side Tail!
Jason: nooooo
21. What was your first bike?
Kat: I don't remember, lol. Had a banana seat though.
Jason: BMX dirt racer
22. Name one thing you still own from your childhood?
Kat: All my Rainbow Brite dolls.
Jason: Stuffed baby Ewok
23. Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid?
Kat: Pabbage Catch! I had several.
Jason: Never.
24. Did you dress like Madonna?
Kat: GOD no!
Jason: uhm, noooooo
25. Rainbow Brite or Strawberry Shortcake?
Kat: Rainbow Brite! Color Kids FOREVER!
Jason: Watched both.
26. Did you watch Miami Vice?
Kat: Too Young.
Jason: Yeah. *rolls eyes*
27. Did you own a pair of Jelly Shoes?
Kat: Those things are a death wish! If you didn't die by tripping, you'd die by BLEEDING to death from where they sliced your feet to ribbons.
Jason. Not my style.
28. Did you own a Trapper Keeper?
Kat: Had the Five Star rip offs.
Jason: YAWP!
29. Atari or Nintendo?
Kat: Both!
Jason: BOTH!
30. Did you play Pac-Man?
Kat: And Mrs. Pac Man
Jason: yeah
31. Which was better: Jem or Barbie and the Rockers?
Kat: JEM! She's Excitement. Jem is adventure...
Jason: uhm...never really SAW Barbie and the rockers.
32. He-Man or She-Ra?
Kat: She-Ra, my first Magical Girl
Jason: Watched both, actually.
33. What movie scared you the most?
Kat: E.T. Don't look at me like that....shut-up
Jason: Gremlins
34. Did you try to dance like Michael Jackson?
Kat: Only to show my brother I was better at it.
Jason: breakdance? yeah.
35. What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear "Flux Capacitor"
Kat: 1.21 gigawats!
Jason: Back to the future.
36. What other colors did Pepsi come in? Which is best?
Kat: Colors?!
Jason: Blue, crystal. Regular.
37. Roger Rabbit Or Howard The Duck?
Kat: Roger.
Jason: Howard
38. Did you ever beg your parents to have your school picture taken with the 'LASER' background?
Kat: They did it when I was in 8th grade finally.
Jason: No
39. Do you know what the Ninja Rap is?
Kat: Vanilla Ice's best song EVER!
Jason: Go ninja go ninja go! NINJA TURTLES!
40. Do you know why people cringe when they hear the word BUCKNER?
Kat: Buckner? no. Beuhler? Yeah.
Jason: No.
41. Can you name the family members from National Lampoon's Vacation movies?
Kat: No...
Jason: No.
42. WallyWorld or Europe
Kat: Huh?
Jason: Qua?
43. What was your favorite movie from the 80s?
Kat: Neverending Story.
Jason: Labyrinth.