Title: Takumi Gets Rejected #20
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Takumi/Gackt
Characters: Takumi, Gackt
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Takumi decides he’s had enough failure and that it’s time to move on, for the new year
“I didn’t kiss you.”
Takumi glanced up from the phone in his hands. He had been looking at the photo that Sato had sent him and scrambled to switched off the screen when he realized Gackt was standing over him. Well, that was embarrassing. “You didn’t?”
“No. You were knocked out. I wouldn’t take advantage like that. Besides, what fun would it have been?”
“Oh…” Gackt’s teasing comments were not reassuring. However, after the colossal failure that had been the mistletoe plan, Takumi decided to give up. There was no use forcing it. Then there was also a bit of the shameful reminder of how much time he had wasted, the efforts of which could have been devoted to things much more significant. “Well, thanks.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“I’m not,” Takumi shook his head. Months of trying and no progress to show for it. Well, that was life. He knew when to give in and move on. No point in starting out the new year in the same stale old way. “Just good to know.”
“Hey, I didn’t get you a Christmas present, did I?”
“No, but don’t worry about it. You don’t need to, honestly, you do enough for me alrea-”
“Takumi.” Gackt interjected and lifted Takumi’s face up. The guitarist met Gackt’s eyes for the split second before Gackt’s lips touched his. For real this time. “Merry Christmas.”
Takumi blinked then smiled. “Happy New Year.”