Title: Long Distance #7
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Gackt/You
Rating: G
Summary: Gackt surprises You with a call
Notes: Falling behind on the Advent, and need to catch up…
The ringing of his phone woke up, but it wasn’t the sound of his alarm. You groped around the nightstand by his bed rather blindly, finally making contact with the phone. Squinting against the blue light of the activated screen, You made out the answer call button and pressed it. “Hello?” he muttered sleepily.
“You’re still asleep? Isn’t it around ten over there?”
You groaned at the sound of the deep voice on the other end of the line. “It’s my day off. I wanted to sleep in a little before you got back here and started badgering me with your crazy scheduling.”
“You make it sound like you’re assuming that I will be staying with you.”
“Won’t you?”
“Every night if I can.”
You smiled and rolled over onto his side, not yet ready to get out of bed. “So why’d you call?”
“I thought you’d be up and wanted to say good morning.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Well then, good morning Gaku.”
“Good morning You.”